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Half in the Bag Episode 114: Suicide Squad

Mike and Jay weight in on the critical darling Suicide Squad!



I know about the movie Sorcerer because in the hacked Sony emails I saw Drew Goddard talking about how his Sinister Six movie would draw inspiration from it. Sinister Six, which was cancelled after the Spider-Man rights war following Amazing Spider Man 2, would have been a villains team-up movie as well. I also saw in those emails that Sony felt like they were in competition with Suicide Squad for casting, including fighting over Tom Hardy with WB. How do you know about Sorcerer?


Remember the guard that was in cahoots with the Joker? He handed the cell phone to Harley. The edit was terrible - probably only like 2 frames, so if you blinked you missed it.


Great episode. Had me laughing. Excited for the Stranger Things discussion. Thanks for the good times Mike and Jay.

Taylor Hensley

The random scene with the guard at the casino was how Joker got the phone to Harley. It wasn't a good movie.


Jay, I just watched Sorcerer very recently, and totally see your point about the structure. (Not sure it would have helped Suicide Squad much, but it might have been more coherent at least) Sorcerer is one of my favorite movie discoveries, and that bridge scene is a masterpiece of practical effects! Oh, and that Tangerine Dream score... F$ing solid.


i did really enjoy the part about the knots. very informative


At around 18:00 when Mike started talking about Joel Kinnaman and the great show he's on I started chanting "Don't say 'The Killing'. Don't say 'The Killing'. Don't say 'The Killing'." I'm interested to hear your take(s) on "Stranger Things". I finally got around to bingeing it this weekend, and I think there's a lot of good things to be said about it.


Thanks, entertaining episode, also looking forward to the Netflix sponsored review, lol


This made me laugh so much. Thank you. Also, BEYOND EXCITED for the Stranger Things review.