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Best of the Worst Episode 41 outtakes

Uploaded by RedLetterMedia on 2016-06-21.



Thank you kindly!


That Dangerous Men theme is permanently carved into my soul


It's great to hear the story about the Drive tweet to Ron Perlman, and how that came to be. Thank you!


The "Dangerous Men" cop-in-law's name being Clint Westwood makes me wonder if the movie is just a riff on Westworld. Really, it could make sense! Maybe the whole setting is just a rape/revenge fantasy theme park that was raced into production, and now the androids are glitching out and doing random dangerous crap. Grampa Sheriff is really the beleaguered human operator running the show, and the whole movie (or at least the last 30 seconds) is the story of him trying to get things back on track and bring closure to the misfiring rape/revenge storyline. That, or else the movie is terrible.