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Currently chopping up our Independence Day: Resurgence episode of Half in the Bag. We'll try to get it finished and out as quickly as we can, but there's a lot of other fun stuff going on this weekend that we're filming as well, so editing is getting done here and there when there's time. You'll see more soon! 

We'll be posting some outtakes from the last Best of the Worst episode later this weekend too!



So much content, I can't take it.


Neato! Thanks for the updates!


That BotW episode was great. Rich needs to go to Ikea to replace all the furniture he destroyed in his rampages...

Jon G

I always knew you guys would be coming back.


I'm actually really looking forward to that particular Regurgitation..


The wife want to see it, so taking her tomorrow (Saturday) - any heads-up how much it is going to suck for me?


Hmmm, I wonder what the other fun stuff will be?


I love the new amount of material you are uploading lately. Don't know what changed in the last months (realising Space Cop?), buy keep it up just like that... this is a good time to be an RLM fan.


Indeed; Im hoping they do a Half in the Bag catchup soon where they talk about the littler movies they watched. Love those eps.