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Thanks for all the positive feedback on the Space Cop trailer, everyone! It's been such a long process putting the movie together. Making a low budget movie with such a small group of people, especially one that involves tons of miniatures, visual effects, insert shots, etc, is like putting together a big complicated puzzle. Not to mention color correction and sound mixing. But we finally reached that point where the end is close enough in sight that we felt comfortable releasing some actual material. We'll probably do one more trailer right before release that will give a better sense of the plot and the humor. There's so many stories to tell from putting this thing together...don't even know if they'll all fit on a commentary track! Also, Ant Man is coming out this weekend. We plan on doing a Half in the Bag for it, but are going to hold off for another week so we can pair it up with...sigh...another upcoming release.



Great job, guys.


Pixels. Sigh indeed.


That upcoming release will probably be pretty entertaining from our end. Most everything that guy produces has been RLM gold. Can't wait for Spacecop. It's gonna be a blast. I've gotten so much quality entertainment from RLM these past few years. Cheers!


You guys have done an amazing job with Space Cop so far! Hell, what I saw in the trailer looked WAY better than any of the schlock I've seen Syfy peddle out in the last decade.

Kyle Williams

Glad to hear the next trailer will deal with the plot. I loved the first trailer but was worried it was just a long gag reel.


stellar effort all round. cant wait to see the finished product.


I was really impressed by the visuals of Space Cop. If it's Pixels then you have my condolences.