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Half in the Bag: 2024 Mid-year Catch-up (part 2 of 2)

(00:00) The Iron Claw (04:55) The Phantom Menace re-release (06:15) Last Stop in Yuma County (09:57) Time Addicts (11:19) Kim's Video (15:55) Abigail (25:08) Love Lies Bleeding (31:46) Mike Forces Jay to Watch an Embarrassing Trailer


Juan Calvo

When you guys talk about cursing in media these days, that's a pet peeve of mine, I hate it so much. I especially hate it when characters curse in modern slang, but the story is set in medieval times (and not a comedy show). You can't just blame kids discovering cursing, I think it's much worse than that: middle age gen xers who got more "civilized" in our neo liberal dystopia write this kind of garbage, make money with it and then younger generations adopt the trend as something "cool". Out of place, weak, unfunny, "I still have some rebel in me" type of cursing.

Michael Falcone

Again hearing "Gummo is miserable. I haven't seen it."

Jeremy _

"Gummo", "Kids" and "Bully" are this magical late 90s/early 2000s triumvirate of miserablism.


"fuck" has to be earned for it to have bite or be pithy almost everything i have watched recently fails to follow that fuck rule

Tommy McMaster

Not sure if you guys have seen it yet but “You’ll Never Find Me” was one of the best looking horror films I’ve seen in 2024. Honestly one of the better films of the year. Check it out

Avery Dale

Is this the conversation in which Jay brings up the Chucky tv series? I have to thank him for the rec, because somehow it escaped me and now I'm a thoroughly enjoying it/minorly obsessed.