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Hot piss! It's some outtakes from our latest episode of BOTW!



gotta pour those beers better


love these!


it's fun seeing the creative process like in that opening segment. A lot of "yes, and" in the creation of the intro.

Amanda B.

Mike acting out his JarJar/Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon fanfiction again.

Frank A Klinowski Jr

Can listen to you guys 24/7! Thanks for more content!

Lance Batty

I love when I get to see the outtakes. I can only imagine the nightmare of editing one of these videos 🤣

Manuel Johnen

The last scene of "Interceptor Force" is actually kinda redeeming...

Chase Adams

All this talk of the supposed, 'greatest movie they've ever seen' and yet not one mention of Bible Baby from only a couple episodes ago! Mike is never beating the onset dementia allegations.