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Hello Diamond Hard Patrons!

This month's suggestion box results is a bit interesting. It seems Trent and Dylan are still very popular. The suggestion with the most votes is Mr IceLord's Trent/Dylan/Connor idea. However, the idea conflicts too much with what I have planned for Trent and Dylan, and I would rather have creative control over my OC's. So, I will not choose that idea. 

As I am able to pick from the top three, another dilemma shows up. The other two suggestions were tied, and they are both good! One idea by Muboy2040 involves superheroes, which I have wanted to draw. It was specifically mentioned that Poison Ivy (male) and Robin have some fun. I actually had an idea of doing a superhero parody of characters based on Robin. 

It is a tough decision, but decided to go with Lucca Berger's idea of armpit fun. I do enjoy armpits, and happy that many have voted for it. For artistic purposes, I might not do all of the details verbatim, such as being on his knees, and also, if it is okay, can I make them basketball players? That would be really hot. Here is Lucca Berger's suggestion:

😜 Luke and Leon, long time team buddies of team captain Marco, got the captain’s permission to initiate a cute newcomer in their own special way. With the new boy kneeing on the locker room floor, the two ripped unshaved jocks poke their hard dicks through the boy’s sweaty armpits from behind - each one thrusting through their own wet, slippery crease. The rookie, happy from seeing the two delicious dickheads appearing left and right as they fuck his armpits, can’t help but get a taste of the juicy cocks. While precum is dangling from his mouth to the wet tips, he too starts leaking from his throbbing dick to his cute pubes while the two teammates fistbump each other with a cocky smile on their faces…

I hope you trust me to make a really hot image, maybe even multiple images. Wish me luck!


Lucca Berger

I am thrilled and honored that after so many months and so many likes finally fate will bring this suggestion to life! I already had the honor to be chosen several times, including two animations based on my suggestion box wins - and as always the excitement is overwhelming. Thanks to everyone who voted - also several times! In this special case I would like to send a special note to Mr IceLord, who actually won the competition by vote, and am sorry that it conflicts with Maruten's plans and therefore dropped out of the race. This makes me value the final decision even more and I hope Maruten's result artwork will make everyone as happy as myself 😊

Ronny Marshall

Smelling nasty boys and armpit fucking! Snnnniiiifff!

Mr IceLord

It was expected to not get selected, all part of a little scheme to let you win again after months of suffering 😜 On the other side (also part of the plan) what will you post in the next months? You have to think up something new instead of just posting the same again and again 😈

Lucca Berger

Haha, I really hoped this suggestion would happen someday as I really love this fantasy...so be curious what I still have on my list! 😜