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Hello Steel and Diamond Hard patrons!

I've been working on the continuation of Romantic Weekend, which was released in October. A large chunk was taken out to complete the project on time. After a poll, I have decided to complete the project as intended. 

Kissing is one of the harder actions to animate. It has to look natural, but also passionate. There is still some way to go to make it look more natural in timing. Also the interaction of mouths, and head angles is a challenge. 

In this WIP you can see that three of the four scenes are finished. The fourth scene has some key drawings finished, but mouths still roughed out in red. I'm contemplating shortening the tongue action too, and bringing the dialogue timing tighter. A lot of the passion will also be dependent on the eyes. 

I will be getting this more into shape over the holidays, but this is where the project is at the moment.

The WIP can be downloaded below!

Romantic Weekend, Kissing Scene WIP 

Password: Maruten20



Lucca Berger

Looks ultra-promising!!!! 😍