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I'm pleased to announce that the animation for my project, Star Love Zero Gravity (SLOG), will be starting in September!

 Across great distances of outer space, three young men in their spaceship embark on their first transport mission, while getting up to all kinds of sexual nonsense and emotional moments that get in the way. 

Because this is quite a bit more ambitious than my previous works, the animation will be done in pieces. If you are a Rock Hard or Steel Hard patron, you will see one or more finished scenes in one month. I estimate the first episode in its entirety may be 7 minutes long. So as patrons, you are helping to make a gay-themed erotic animated short. I hope you continue to support me and make this project a reality!

In the meantime, I am working on August's animation, which will be quite an experiment. If you are a Steel Hard patron, you will be seeing some stuff very soon!

Thank you all again. Please enjoy the write-ups of these three characters, and get to know them a bit more. Which one is your favourite?




OMG I am totally Kazu :D Can't wait to see the boys <3 Good luck with the project!!!!


They all look awesome of course, great design <3


Looks awesome, can't wait!


when is the next episode coming out