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Please vote for your top 3. Anyone who votes for more than 3 characters will have their votes omitted or removed.

*** I haven't had the chance to look at all of the models. If I run into complications with a model or if the character is not a good fit for the page or game I will need to skip/postpone it for a later date or chose the runner up instead. If I can't find the model when it is time to create the mod I may have to skip that character.***

The final result may not be accurate because the poll is weighted. Higher Tier votes have more weight. Vote for which character you would like to see not for whoever "looks" like they will win.

Please consider how the characters will look in HS before voting. Some characters are a bit too low-poly or stylized. So it's no telling how they will look in HS. I can only do so much with the models provided.



Ooh, we got some real tough competition this month.


I'm going to be so mad when this is over, i can already see it. Lidia, Nanami ... srly? ಥ_ಥ




Justice for Panam ;-;


Cassie Cage My favorite

Jamie Claxton

Cassie Cage Cassie Cage Cassie Cage Cassie Cage


Go Lidia! For your people!


I'm honestly pulling for either Cassie or Lidia... Even if I don't know who the latter is.


People should have checked the source model for Lidia, it's bad.


My people deserve better than a crappy head model and a cringe intro video. Misty O. or that Operator from that Police game I forgot the name of, those would be nice.

Perfect specimen of wasted life

What's the point of the mudflinging? Is this just a crappy attempt to make people who voted for Lidia to take their votes back and put them somewhere else before the poll closes? It's ok to dislike a character for whatever reason, but bear in mind that not everyone will share your tastes; I personally find Misty O quite ugly, (didn't even like CP2077) same for "that operator from that police game you forgot the name of" (which was oddly proposed by yourself) despite her being modelled after an actually hot girl, but if they were ones on top i'd have no choice other than just shrug it off. About the model, the one i posted has already been processed by another 3D artist and looks much better than a direct rip of the game (quite surprising for a character released on late March tbh). Also, 73 has done amazing works from really low quality models in the past, so I'd avoid using that as an argument unless you're legit underestimating his skills.


Huh? What's the point of attacking my opinion and that smugly smear attempt against me? Seems like you're quite passionate about that vote, but bear in mind that not everyone will share your tastes. Btw, I was talking about Rainbow Six siege and I never proposed characters from there, but looks like you're quick with conclusions. I just want that people consider the possible quality outcome, as 73 self does hint at in every poll post. (Sorry Mick, for hijacking your comment).

Perfect specimen of wasted life

Attacking your opinion? I'm just stating mine. It's also kinda weird that you call me passionate about the poll when scrolling a bit above is all that's needed to find that you started complaining about it 4 days ago and now started to attack the results. By the way, it's odd that now you talk about R6 and expect me to know it when this month you proposed Mara, who happens to be an operator from CoD and noone from R6 was even added (unlike previous months). And not gonna lie, your so called attempt to "make people consider possible outcomes" looks more like an excuse to cry as loudly as possible than what you claimed it is. You started complaining 4 days ago but seem to have been trying to overtake the direction of this community by gatekeeping who gets added to the polls and now even try to skew the results by throwing a tantrum over a -possible- outcome you don't like. I wouldn't be surprised if you had not even taken a look at the model before starting to rant.


Wtf foolboy, i was talking about Lidia's followers, not yours. I see you're a modder, so why don't you go and make the characters your community wants by yourself if you really care that much about YOUR people.


@Mick; Weird wording, i thought you where refering to Lidias nationality, wasn't talking about my people in the sense of my modding community, so i misunderstood you there.


@Abyss; "...overtake the direction of this community by gatekeeping..." srly? Btw. if you feel i said too much (1 comment, 2 responses, lol), just ignore me and trust in the voters? Instead you're stating whole paragraphs full of hypothetical assumptions with blatantly attempts to turn and twist my own words against me. Dude, why ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Perfect specimen of wasted life

Let's totally omit that last month you were basically asking me to stick to Roy12's port of another character (even though it was on a more friendly way, probably to avoid making it sound like that) and now, upon the possibility of 2 characters you don't like being the winner of this month started crying 4 days ago and a few hours before it closed you also started throwing hissy fits here in comments. "Just ignore and trust in the voters" would have been a much wiser thing to do, hopefully you'll follow your own advice if it happens again in the future instead of throwing such pathetic shows and going as low as trying to victimize yourself with the cries of "my words are being twisted against me".


I think Abyss has a point. Awkward talks like this one wouldn't be a thing if negative people like Foolboy could save their toxicity to themselves instead of trying to bias a poll by being loud over their desires. None of the 2 characters that would have made him mad as he stated in his first post here won after all.