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This house needs more than a new layer of paint, fortunately we don't have to live inside it!
I don't think it is ever going to be salvaged, especially as the restoration was stopped, probably for some kind of bankruptcy.
But it was just ripe enough to be photogenic, a stunning stage for Ania to shine in.
Maybe I will try again to use this place as a location in the future, but at least I can say I've used it this time, and it went very well!

Next appointment with Ania is planned for next week, on a naturist pebble beach on the Adda river.
I hope we'll be able to work with the same peace even in public, as this time her nudity should not be a problem for any of the bystander, and I'm pretty sure she is going to love providing a show for everybody...

If you want to learn more about the Bramley Apple Project or Archives, ask me on bramleyapple@yahoo.com



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