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Normal things are usually the most boring.
Maybe cheap, functional, even reliable, but boring nevertheless.
Whilst unusual things are always challenging and frequently extreme.

The Caterham Seven is an example of something full of issues, that you end up using rarely, but that becomes irreplaceable when you are in the right mood.

Also Bianca is unique in her own way, and it has been a unique opportunity to have her fully naked in front of my camera.
She is different compared to the Seven, because she could get you in the right mood even if you start in a different one...

Time for a ride?

Today I'm shooting with a new model in Milano, I hope she is going to be a revelation as was Bianca!

If you want to learn more about the Bramley Apple Project, or Archives, or DA subscriptions, ask me on bramleyapple@yahoo.com



Alan Jas



The car is a Seven but Bianca is a Ten! 😊