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It was a long time I didn't post a photo of Cristiana, if I remember correctly, so here she is, in a beautiful natural light.

And speaking about natural light, the source of my inspiration, the force that shaped my style and dictated my choices of cameras and lenses in the past years; that natural light is not going to be available in the location I will use with Sugar.
As the mansion I used with Ania is not usable, we're going to try an abandoned restaurant in my village, which is interesting but very dark!
So dark that I have to change my shooting strategies and revert to flashes, if I want to get some pictures...
I've ordered a remote trigger for my Profoto A1, to use it remotely from my camera (not sure if it is going to be one of the Leicas or the Nikon D810).
I hope this is going to work, and open new ways to get good pictures in adverse lightening conditions, like any interior during Winter time.
I've delayed this purchase for many years, to stick with my ethic principles, but I'm finally ready to try my luck, at least during the darkest days of my profession.
Let's see how it goes. 

Tomorrow I will post one of the last photo I took with a flash, to show you the advantages of this technique.

If you want to learn more about the Bramley Apple Project, or Archives, or DA subscriptions, ask me on bramleyapple@yahoo.com




I love this. 😊 It feels natural. Like you just woke up and you're having a conversation with her. 👍 Lovely. 🌹


Looking forward to seeing/hearing your results with flash! Hope it’s successful for you!