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If last week's episode was a philosophical treasure trove, this one deals with some hard-hitting notes on the dark side of "self-care," as we learn about a mysterious disease developing from too much "stress management," Shogo's revulsion of it, and the lengths that Oryou is willing to go to create her "artwork."   

Plus, there's Kogami's abs. I mean....I'm not blaming Akane for looking.   

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/68sFhsL5izULTqLrY1YjDF?

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Romania Black - PSYCHO-PASS Extended Episode 4 Reaction! SYMBOLISM AND THEN, SILENCE?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/68sFhsL5izULTqLrY1YjDF? **SYMBOLIC HEADPHONE WARNINGS** If last week's episode was a philosophical treasure trove, this one deals with some hard-hitting notes on the dark side of "self-care," as we learn about a mysterious disease developing from too much "stress management," Shogo's revulsion of it, and the lengths that Oryou is willing to go to create her "artwork." Plus, there's Kogami's abs. I mean....I'm not blaming Akane for looking. Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Awesome reaction and discussion! Man, I forgot how truly interesting this show was with all of this philosophical stuff and the points it makes. About art being censored. I hate how in this world, anything deviating from norm, anything disturbing, anything that could make people feel bad, all of those things that cause people to feel negative emotions (even GRIEF AND SADNESS as we saw in this episode ) is classified as harmful and not allowed. I find that so extremely creepy, for all those forms of expression to be something considered wrong or punishable. Its like living in a sanitized glass cage. I shudder at the very thought of it. Interesting fact! The music that played in the background while Makishima and that other dude had such a morbid, serious conversation about the eustress deficiency (which is also the song that creepy dude is humming at the end)? Its "Ode to Joy". A song about unification and integration of nations and values and joy that comes from seeing and hoping for a better future. Its supposed to expresses the desire to create a community of solidarity, striving for freedom and sovereignty. Very ironic, I think. I had a thought that Akane hiding from the cigarette smoke might also have to do with not wanting to be exposed to something that is know to be very addictive. We explored that already in previous episodes, how nobody drinks alcohol in this world from fear of addiction. It might be similar with smoking! The concept of self care to the point of self destruction is honestly so terrifying. But everything in too much of a dose can become a poison, no matter how good it is. Honestly, it reminds me about how people can get addicted to pain relieving medicine. Many people are given for example, morphine, during their recovery from injuries, operations and other stuff related to health and it really helps them. But sadly for some people it might bring relief to the pain but it becomes something they HAVE to rely on to deal with pain, something they can't live without. Just. There are so many parallels here of real world vs this anime. Also fun fact! In his analysis of culprit, before he and Akane first went out, Kogami used only gender-less descriptors. So the subtitles saying "he" was purely a translation choice! Also. Living in the society where you can't ever experiencing YOUR OWN GRIEF in peace without worry because it can get you in trouble is something so messed up... Grief is like, one of the very essential emotions that let us deal with how messed up this world is and to have that taken away... Time for voice actors fun facts!! The tatooed man in the prison is voice acted by Kenta Miyake, who also voices All Might, Shadow from sk8 and (surprisingly) Dagan from jjk!

Anime Annie

It's interesting how Ginoza refers to Kougami as a detective when listing his reasoning for immediately taking him off the case, whereas in all the previous episodes so far Ginoza has been trying to hammer home to Akane that the Enforcers are mere dogs/tools at their disposal. Also interesting that Ginoza and his team ran with the assumption that the murderer could be Touma again, whereas Kougami didn’t let his knowledge of the previous crime blind him to the differences in patterns and victims. Really shows that for all that his crime coefficient has made him an Enforcer, Kougami is still a damn good detective. Honestly felt like an episode of Criminal Minds with Kougami creating a profile for their perp 😆 I honestly love that Kougami's response to Akane asking if he's human is basically a dig at how their first meeting went down 😆 He really can be such a little sh*t sometimes. Kougami: Is there something on my face? That's *really* not where she's looking 🤭 The classical music they have playing in the background whilst Makishima is talking about Ouryou’s father, Rouichi, is Beethoven’s Ode to Joy, and the man Makishima met with hums it to himself when getting ready to kill her. The visuals and topic of discussion could be considered quite at odds with the song choice, but not so if Ouryou and her murderer’s joy is found through murder and violence. Also it's the final movement of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony (which in turn was his last complete symphony). This may have meaning in view of Rouichi's art becoming redundant because of the progress of science and technology, and the use of the song leading up to Ouryou's final moments. On top of all the information and world building we get this episode, that little throw in from Masaoka can get lost but it’s definitely one of the more terrifying aspects: a lack of juvenile law. Helps explain why they were legally able to lock Kagari away from such a young age. And begs the question that if the law doesn’t recognise a difference between minors and adults, then what’s society’s opinion/treatment of children? Even though I’ve seen this a couple of times, I *still* flinch every time Ouryou steps into the animal trap… Makishima, when sighing over Kougami to Cho, reminds me of the three Gaston fangirls in Beauty and the Beast 🤣 I knew you'd be fascinated with this episode from an artist's perspective and the psychology linked with art. I agree with you that Makishima brings up some really important and relevant points, just his choices on what to do in response to that are incredibly questionable. This anime really isn't afraid to delve into the nitty gritty of some messed up psyches, as seen with Ouryou's "art pieces" and sleeping with a corpse. Even with her death they don't shy away too much from the gory details. But it definitely fits with the psychological theme, right? 😅 The difference between Ouryou and her father, and the idea of a separation between art based on fiction and the same based on reality, is *very* relevant nowadays considering how prevalent the belief that what you like in terms of fictional content/characters/ships/etc. is automatically how you think and feel in reality, and the lack of understanding that fictional ≠ reality. It's mostly amongst the younger generations, but there are a few in the older generations that think the same. Not a comparison I've ever thought of, but yes Makishima is quite like Ramsey Bolton in some ways, just if the latter had been more educated and not just treated as an illegitimate child 🤣


This show is SO interesting to me! I agree! Thank you for the kind words and comment! The idea of limiting grief and pain is…definitely harmful and creepy! Agree, the shudders are real! ODE TO JOY – Thank you! I was reminded of NGE, so I’ll have to bring that back up, ahahha!! And ahh, maybe the smoke and her avoiding it is tied to addiction! And yessssss, the self-care obsession is very similar to pain killer and opioid addiction! The parallels to our own world continue to be quite scary! That’s really interesting to know about the culprit and genderless descriptions – curse you subtitles! Grief is definitely a much-needed emotional response, so a society that avoids that is…a bit disturbing indeed. And ooooohhhh, thank you for the VA info on the tattooed man! That’s so cool! So excited for next week!


Those are great points with Ginoza and Kogami – Kogami is SUCH a good detective, seriously! He’s also such a troll, especially around Akane, and NO, she was NOT looking at his face! *blushes* Ahhh, yes, “Ode to Joy” – Shogo is in no way making himself more and more like Kaworu from NGE in this series. And that is a very good observation/point about Masaoka’s comment. Hm. AHAHAHA the Beauty and the Beast reference – Oh, Makishima was reminding me of Ariel, in love, and Cho is like one of his sisters, just awkwardly standing there. XD And yesss, Makishima is well-versed, but his…vision is quite…skewed in an interesting direction. And yes, the psychological theme and gore do go hand-in-hand! That’s a great note about fiction vs. reality as well! YES! I’ll have to note that for the next episode! And yesssss, Makishima and Ramsey both have a very “unforgiving” view of the world and how they’re the “correct” one in the room, but with Makishima’s resources, it might be scarier than Ramsey, if such a thing exists. @_@ Thank you for the kind words and comment! Excited for this coming week!