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SO MUCH is happening in this volume! The conclusion of TWO games, the start of another, Sawamura getting all the teasing from his team, praising from announcers, tough love advice from Kataoka, and now...experience alongside Koshu and the chance to witness other Aces at work! And what better experience than watching "The King" of Tokyo himself? 

But Ichidai Third isn't going to let Inashiro steal all the thunder! This game is shaping up to be a fun one and with the scoring of the quarterfinals close so far, it's going to be interesting to see where this game ends up -- will Romania be 0/2 or 1/2 on her predictions? Let's find out! :P 

Link to Reaction: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/rg22gh2BMwyw1HXjUMzZsF?

Thank you for Reading with Me and the Support! 


Ace of the Diamond Act II: Manga Volume 22 Reaction! ACES & THE QUARTERFINALS!

LINK TO REACTION (starts at 3:02): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/rg22gh2BMwyw1HXjUMzZsF? **ACE-WORTHY HEADPHONE WARNINGS** SO MUCH is happening in this volume! The conclusion of TWO games, the start of another, Sawamura getting all the teasing from his team, praising from announcers, tough love advice from Kataoka, and now...experience alongside Koshu and the chance to witness other Aces at work! And what better experience than watching "The King" of Tokyo himself? But Ichidai Third isn't going to let Inashiro steal all the thunder! This game is shaping up to be a fun one and with the scoring of the quarterfinals close so far, it's going to be interesting to see where this game ends up -- will Romania be 0/2 or 1/2 on her predictions? Let's find out! :P Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



An hour discussion with a manga volume 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 yes please lol I find it interesting that in Urabes backstory he actually reminds me a lot of Nabe. Loved baseball but felt a very distinct lack of motivation and confidence compared to the team they were on. It's quite interesting to see how differently everything went for them after those feelings. One of my favourite things thats been in the manga but wasn't adapted by the anime yet is the first year's as cheerleaders for Sawamura lol. Them miming out the numbers is so good every time lol. They're adorable. It seems so cool to watch Sawamura "shift to high gear" as the announcer said but the fact that he went sooooo hard against a team that they were so far ahead of is wild lol. I'm glad Kataoka and Miyuki both know that although they won by a lot and Norikane only got 1 hit off him, it wasn't particularly good pitching. I really like that TJ included the idea of learning pitching tactics from the internet. It definitely does happen in real life but it's really realistic that high schoolers looking for growth as pitchers would just quickly Google or YouTube how to improve. I really like the continued theme with Sawamura of finding his "ideal ace". He talks about it in this game and then goes and watches Mei pitch and you can tell that going to see Mei also helps solidify what he thinks an ace should be and what they should do. Although he'll never be Mei, Mei does have a lot of good attributes as an ace and carries himself very well so its nice to see Sawamura acknowledge that and learn from it. It really cracked me up how randomly you remembered Chris coming to see the quarterfinals lol. Just outta nowhere 🤣 They mentioned it near the end of the anime but I'm glad they mention it again that Nara from Sousei and Kawabata from Hachiya Ouji are both 2 of the top defenders in the country right now and they were both at the all star weekend with Miyuki just not shown much but they do both know him. I believe they mentioned top 3 for both of them which is really cool (makes me even more proud of Kawabata 🥲). You can always tell when Miyuki is feeling fond about Sawamura because that's when he defends him the most lol. Letting him sleep on the hill after the game. Very fond of our boy indeed. I love the scenes where Asada reflects about how amazing he thinks Sawamura is. Not that they really had much of a rocky start but I think he does see how possible it is to improve. It would be nice for someone to tell the first year's about Sawamuras yips just so they could fully know how hard he's worked but I love the idea of Asada thinking he should work with Sawamura more before he's gone (God that's a weird thought. Sawamura graduating lol) Seeing Yui confident in his batting gives me life tbh. Seeing him confident in ANYTHING he does baseball wise is the best. I agree with you that Miyukis time spent with Furuya is really nice. It's so lovely to see them both talk with eachother where they're not putting up any walls or fronts. I think the 1 on 1 conversations are where Furuya feels most confident so he's more open to talking to Miyuki when its just them and it's really cute. Miyuki also talks more in 1 on 1 conversations which is always nice to see. Amahisa is fully crushing on Sawamura now I'm convinced lol. The way he's going about these texts is sooooo flirty. Trying to pry more warm and open conversation out of him is just so endearing. I dont know if you remember but Seikous coach, that bald guy Kumikiri, was actually suspended when Seidou played them. He allegedly kicked a player in the dugout and was suspended for a season so it's quite nice to see that he returned. I genuinely think Mei with Nagata is one of the softest scenes we have of Mei. It wasn't him being sarcastic but I think they did come to a type of friendship at the All star weekend they were both at and Nagatas respect for Mei as a pitcher just grew more and more so he wanted to face him honestly and I think Mei knew that. Mei doesn't go out of his way to be mean to people (other than Itsuki lol) but I think he does respect other people who work hard the way he does. Masu is the cutest, angriest captain and I love him lol. I wish we got to see him more cuz he is a great player. Itsuki having a mental issue with feeling like he's not helping Mei is so sad but I actually die at him calling Meis back "small". Mei would kick his ass if he heard him call him small lol. Same vibes as the American team calling him "tiny" 🤣 I think the really cool thing about seeing Koushuu go to these other games and give his opinion is that it shows how good of a scout he'd be. Him and Nabe could be an absolute unit of a team for scouting if Koushuu wasn't still so dedicated to playing the game instead of watching. But I love that he's able to use his "thinking baseball" like this to help the team. Overall I love this volume. Seeing the realness of ace/captain Sawamura is so good and I love checking in on the other teams too. Ready for next weeks 🎉🎉


Heck yeah! There was a lot to discuss this volume! I agree! Urabe reminds a LOT of Nabe! I love that TJ adds some realistic strategies a high school student would do – it’s neat to see it in a series like this! OMG, the miming of the numbers is SO CUTE! I love how much everyone gets into it! But yes, the stress is still getting to Sawamura as he goes all out in this game. And yessss, Sawamura watching Mei and realizing what he needs to do as an ace is so great! <3 And hahaha, it’s been in the back of my mind that Chris was coming to quarterfinals! I’ve been excited about it since it first came up, ahaha! Awww, I’m proud of Kawabata making top 3! And Nara WAS at the Tokyo All Star Weekend – I think I mention that in this coming week’s video! Interesting!! And awwww, yes, Miyuki was all defensive of our boy – I love when he shows that side of him, too! And yes, Miyuki and Furuya have a great camaraderie; I love their moments together – it’s nice Furuya has someone like him to talk to. And Asada is the most precious bean! I love how much he loves Sawamura, too! It is sad to think about Sawamura graduating and Asada wanting to get in as much time as he can – our precious bean! I’m also happy that Yui is confident and doing well with his batting – it makes me so proud! YES! Amahisa flirty with Sawamura via LINE is so a thing and I need more of their interactions, ahaha! OOHHHHH, I forgot that was the team with the coach that got kicked out! @.@ Wow, I can’t believe I forgot about him! Thank you for reminding me! YES! I love that Mei is so kind and genuine with Nagata, especially after he was fanboying HARD after Mei before the game – and poor Itsuki; our poor boy can’t catch a break! Him describing Mei as “small” is hilarious, too! I hope Nagata and Mei can go bro together and face each other in the future! And yes, I’d love to see more of Masu as well! That’s a really cool note about Koshu – It would be cool to see him and Nabe later as older adults, becoming scouts! :) This was a great volume overall, but ahhaha, definitely excited for this coming week! Bwahaahaha! Thanks for the comment!