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This episode went in SO many different directions than I could have predicted! From containing some of the most hilarious Light/L and now Light/L/Misa interactions of the series -- to revealing L's darker side of pursuing "justice" -- to Rem's urging of Misa to do what I thought we wouldn't get for at LEAST another dozen episodes...  

...this series continues to surprise me, and I'm not sure I can hold back from watching the next episode with a cliffhanger like THAT!

LINK TO REACTION:https://streamable.com/489b4e

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Death Note: Episode 15 Reaction! WAGER!

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/489b4e **TONAL WHIPLASH HEADPHONE WARNINGS** This episode went in SO many different directions than I could have predicted! From containing some of the most hilarious Light/L and now Light/L/Misa interactions of the series -- to revealing L's darker side of pursuing "justice" -- to Rem's urging of Misa to do what I thought we wouldn't get for at LEAST another dozen episodes... ...this series continues to surprise me, and I'm not sure I can hold back from watching the next episode with a cliffhanger like THAT! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


The truck

The way I see Light's "tower" is how much it represents him. At the top of it, he's fully in sight and everybody can see him for what he is. But if he goes inside the tower, he will be hidden and people cant see him for what he is. Kinda like Light hides behind his outer persona. Meanwhile, L doesn't really hide, or he doesn't care if people see him for what he is, he takes the practicality first and things like "real self" second. Which is not to say they he doesn't hide, HE DOES HIDE. But he hides when it's practical. The straps riding up on her crotch are actually, for her benefit, even if it doesn't seem like it. But they're keeping her up so she doesn't have to stand with her own legs in case her legs give up. pretty gruesome stuff, but in the end, I personally think that them being uncomfortable is better than legs giving up in such a position. That's all I can say since I'm scared of spoiling LOL :DD cant wait to see your reaction to ep 16


That's a great breakdown of the towers! I LOVE it! <3 Ahh, and that makes sense with the straps; I rode a ride years ago that had a harness with straps that were situated like that and it HURT, so I felt Misa's pain. Yes, gruesome, indeed. Ahhhhh, thank you for not spoiling and ooooohhh...onwards to Episode 16, eh? *nervous chuckle*

Jordan G

I don't know how I completely forgot about this scene. I knew what went down but I think I thought it went down later. I clearly have events wrong and am in for a surprise along the way. Granted it has been a while since I watched Death Note. Very excited for the episodes to come. I vaguely remember watching the entirety of DN in like 2 days so I applaud you for waiting a week (sometimes lol) between each episode! After you finish the anime, I recommend the Death Note Musical English Soundtrack. I've listened to it and it's pretty good. It's nothing new from the anime but the songs give you insight into the character I guess? Kind of like The Untamed Osts but if they were in story format. No spoilers though in case you do want to watch it on your own. Great reaction as always I always look forward to them!


It definitely FEELS like a moment that should be happening MUCH later than this, right?! The urge to resist binging is HARD, hahaha! Ooh, thank you for the recommendation for the Death Note Musical English soundtrack! Hmmm, that would be interesting; I might have to react to that when everything is all said and done! Thanks for the info and comment! :3

Be Happy

Hi there Romania, I had some catching up to do so happy I got to watch this 😁😁 I absolutely loved your reaction and discussion to this episode !! First, I want to tell you I am sorry if you felt I spoiled something to you, because I swear, I didn’t! When I talked about L, I absolutely completely talked about what we know about him up until last ep : the genius detective obsessed with Kira and wanting to catch him no matter what, so for him to profess friendship for his primary suspect no matter the genuineness of those feelings was out of character for me and I find it manipulative !! In no form or shape was I spoiling about the dark things L did this episode and I feel awful I gave you that impression because I hate spoiling things to anyone but especially You! 😢 This episode was, is and will always be bonkers!! It goes downhill so fast and after that ´´comedic’’ reprieve your head is spinning!!

Be Happy

And yeah , I felt disgusted and disturbed about what L did to Misa!! He who said to Light few episodes ago that confining him without proof will be against his human rights!! Well shit man… that sentence didn’t age well!! This shows how obsessed L is with finding Kira, THE KIRA!! And he is ready to go to any extent morally or not to achieve that goal!! I have a new respect for Misa, because she held Light ´s secret and in spite of torture, she didn’t uttered a word! If that isn’t love (fanatic, I know, but love nonetheless) then I don’t know what it is!! Misa’s notebook was already in Light possession per her request, but she was still the owner, so her forfeiting ownership means it belongs to Rem now !! And here wa have one of my favorite scenes of the entire show!! Light thinking he lost , going to his downfall but realizing, he still has options and can’t gave up!! I looooove it!!


Thank you so much for the kind words!! I don't think you spoiled me on anything with L! :) No worries!! Everyone on Patreon has been really good and awesome about Death note and not spoiling me, so don't worry -- but yessss, this episode was absolutely BONKERS! @_@


Yesssss, L has been SO CLOSE and nearly tasted the victory of getting Kira that he was willing to let morality go in favor of any shred of evidence that would cement that it was either Light or the identity of Kira. And yesssss, Light thinking that he's lost but then stopping mid-fall to say NO; such a good moment! As much as Light is...LIGHT....I am not ready for this cat and mouse to be over, yet! There's still so much to go! Thank you for the comment! I feel for our girl Misa, too; she's suffered a lot in this show already...