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This series just cranked the dial up a notch! The cat and mouse has begun between Light and L, with both sides trying to outwit and lure the other into traps ALREADY...and even though Ryuk says he's remaining neutral, a roommate's gotta do his bro a solid and offer up his omnipotent eyes to help him out! The catch? It's going to cost half of Light's life...is it a price he's willing to pay, though? 

 I apologize for y'all's ears, but this series is so good already! I'm HYPED!   

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Death Note: Episode 3 Reaction! "DEALINGS!"

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/r581m1 **EYEFULS OF HEADPHONE WARNINGS** This series just cranked the dial up a notch! The cat and mouse has begun between Light and L, with both sides trying to outwit and lure the other into traps ALREADY...and even though Ryuk says he's remaining neutral, a roommate's gotta do his bro a solid and offer up his omnipotent eyes to help him out! The catch? It's going to cost half of Light's life...is it a price he's willing to pay, though? I apologize for y'all's ears, but this series is so good already! I'm HYPED! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Anastasia -

You know, so many things in this show would be so much more interesting, had the story evolved along some of your suggestions XD Looking back now, I see many story turns as pretentious or predictable, or deus ex machina-like, just the sort of things that is supposed to be taken for granted and not questioned in the grand logic of the game. Why are shinigami able to transfer their vision to the humans when the Death Note was not supposed to be used by humans? Who knows, maybe ALL the shinigami have been people once. But who had the first notebook then? Who cares, it's just a plot device, go with it! That said, manga stories are so often like this. Just giving us a "what if" acenario and ignoring anything else that would pick this scenario apart. I think I didn't mention the following in the last episode: Japan, like many countries, really worries very much about public and non-public "faces" and sentiments of their citizen. In Japan, the discourse of concealed violence and pervercy tendencies being shown via Internet anonymous sites and forums, was a BIG THING. Possibly still is. Public image must be cultivated at all times, and Japan wants nothing of those dark sides to leak out. So... having a Kira and a cult of Kira admirers in Japan? That's definitely much more frightening than forfeiting some human scum lives to that conflict. And having to deal in the open with Interpol and L, being forced to show their dirty laundry? Oh nonono, that would never fly in the real life.

The truck

(woah, i have tried to send this comment twice now, but when I refresh the page I cant see it in the comment section of this video so idk if my computer is just lagging or what, so if you see this same comment three times sry, idk what's going on) Yey, I have been mentioned in two death note videos in a row, Woah. (idk it feels so weird to know that my comment had a point important enough to be referenced in a video, good weird tbh but still. ) I was here before my notifications, ah yes, i'm so proud of myself. When it comes to the “police doesn’t trust L '' I think it’s partly about the “we are not safe from Kira, unlike L” But also because as Light said, and as we later in the episode will see, the L starts to investigate the police and its members. And it’s pretty unsettling to know that someone who you know NOTHING about starts investigating what time your daughter comes home from school and your wife makes dinner. Or smt like that, we do not know for sure what he investigates from them. But it’s like 99.9% that L investigates the same thing from all the police. (0.1% being that he might have a specific target who he suspects already, but highly unlikely yet at this point.) So it’s safe to assume that he has agents spying on their family and close ones. YESS, Matsuda is a cinnamon bun. The stuff about people stopping violent crimes because of fear… is not something I view as a bad thing, PERSONALLY. Because with VIOLENT crimes, is there ever a good reason for them? Usually, “the best reason” is revenge because someone else had done something awful to criminals or their close ones. But then it’s a cycle. And does it matter if the cycle is broken bc of fear? Maybe. So… this brings us back to morals. Violent crimes are, by people, defined as awful things and morally wrong. And.. actually, I had to take a pause and I forgot what I was gonna say, but I feel like there was something important that I started so imma just leaving that as it is. As you mentioned similarities between Yagami family members, I feel like light might look like his mom, yet he is pretty similar to his dad personality-wise. Which made me think, that Mr Yagami is against Kira (obviously), but would Light be against Kira IF he wasn’t Kira. HMMM… It the kinda sad that you noticed Yagami's name last ep, not for any particular reason apart from how most people sound like a tortured goose with a mouth full of strawberry milk when they see the reveal. So I was kind of sad not seeing you be surprised, BUT that’s such a minor thing and your reaction at the end about the eyes was amazing. Also, you preach about how perfect Yagami's home life, its nice to hear. I remember when I saw some theories, about how it is not nice like that, but that it’s all fake. it WAS A THEORY I saw a long time ago. Which I remember bc it’s in its own way fascinating. I won't tell you about what it was, but I can tell you the part of the show, that kinda “started” the theory. “Up to this point all, we have seen is Light interacting with his family, on all occasions the topic has been about school and grades.” do what you want with that, (or do nothing idk) Death note fandom was very full of theories, I myself had like a full folder of them. Also, about “Ryuk might know that they don't have long to live” BUT you don't know how old light will be when the series ends. You, nor Ryuk, know if they die during the show, you suspect they do. But would they die soon, at the end? And even if they died “early” in the episodes, if there was like, a time skip of 30 years, before they died, then Ryuk would have absolutely no collection of if they will “die soon” or not. If you get what I mean, bc Idk how in-the-what I am trying to explain this, but I hope you get it. A fun detail that doesn’t appear in the anime but appears in the manga (which I think that Ryuks “roommate” comment is the best place to mention this) Ryuks asks Light ( on two different occasions) “let’s play Mario golf” nothing big, just lets us assume that they play Mario golf together, bc how else would Ryuk know of it?. [they say bromance is dead] It’s not JUST ego, that light doesn't misdirect the possibility of kira baing a student (Idk how to word that, but whatever) but also, bc light CANT catch L if he doesn’t let L close to him. ‘Cuz, unlike L, Light doesn’t have the authority of being a detective leading the case OR police officers working under him, Light has to let L close for him to catch him. I think that the difference between believers trusting a god and police trusting L is kind of the fact that L is present. L is real as he can be, L speaks to them on a daily basis, L has a body of flesh and blood, and L is real. Meanwhile, gods are not humans and like that, I think MOST of the people believers might not really grasp the fact that Kira is a human too. Whether they believe in Kira and his cause or not, do they believe he is a human or not. Deep down, it is very hard to accept that a normal human might have superpowers. (unless it has smt to do with pre-existing beliefs) Even if on the surface you THINK you believe in it, it’s very hard to actually believe in such things unless you already are used to believing in things that are considered “not real” by most people. Or smt like that, even though I take psychology classes, mostly to enhance what I learn in the religion classes, but that doesn’t mean I can explain anything about the subject to save my life. nice reaction & discussion as always!!


Patreon's auto moderation is notorious for deleting posts randomly as far as the user can tell


I forgot how good this show was! Also I follow you for your Daiya reactions so it's nice to meet Whiteboard-kun for the first time haha


I definitely don't want any of my suggestions or theories to be confirmed or de-confirmed as I go, so we'll see about the Shinigami origins, if humans can turn into Shinigami, etc. (no spoilers please! ^^ ) But there's so many questions I have about the Shinigami and the Death Note, so we'll see if they get answered in this! :) Ahhhhhh, that's SO fascinating about the idea of "Saving Face" and keeping the dark side of humanity away from the limelight in Japan! VERY interesting! Thanks so much for pointing that out!


Hey!! Thank you for the kind words and comment; glad to see you over here with Death Note! :) And yessssss, hahahaha, Whiteboard-kun is going to be a BIG help with this show, I feel! :)


Yeah, Patreon can be weird with comments; I’m not sure why, but thank you for commenting!! :D :D And yeahhh, I have to mention comments that I find worth mentioning! That’s a good point about them feeling that L is safe, unlike them - and yeah, that would be a little unsettling if someone you know nothing about is investigating your whole family. Of course, that comes with the territory of the case right? I can see why those guys resigned. @.@ YESSS, Matsuda is a cinnamon bun and I want to protect him. Yeah, the whole aspect of “fear” as a decision-maker makes things complicated…because on the surface, that’s why a lot of people DON’T do things (whether it’s a crime or not), because of fear. So it doesn’t HAVE to be a bad thing…but maybe I’m more against Light being the PERSON instilling fear…that whole god complex, haha! Would Light be against Kira if it wasn’t HIM – now THAT is an interesting question! Hahahahha!! I’m so proud of myself for seeing the name, but that description of the name reveal, hahahaha! That’s great! Thank you for the kind words about the reaction! And ahhh….I’m not sure I can believe that they DON’T have a good home life…I mean…at this point, everything looks pretty great, but maybe that will change! Hmmmm, I’m sure there will be a TON of theories come out in the wash by the time we’ve reached this series’ end! :) Yeah, I get what you’re saying about the “dying” part with the family; that’s going to be an interesting mystery to see play out! :) And OMG…Playing Mario GOLF together? The BROMANCE! I’m down! Hahaha, that’s AMAZING. I’m realllllly excited to see how this cat and mouse between Light and L goes down this series, and it’s going to be great watching all this unravel; so much has happened in only three episodes already! Thank you for the comment! I’m so hyped for episode 4, now!

The truck

Yeah, I don't really believe that it's possible for Light's home life to be bad either, (EVen tough that is very present in fanfics for some reason) but I think that "everyone keeps talking of his grades" might have been a part of how Light turned out the way he did. not because anyone intentionally meant anything bad with it, but like... I have read about how sometimes with kids who start scoring high in lower grades and then they see how happy their parents are about it and then they THEMSELVES start to pressure themselves to do better and better in hopes of impressing their parents. And I think that could have been a possible factor in how light ended in such... how to explain this... But Light's main personality trait seems to be that he's an honour student at school and he doesn't have much else to him and his interests. ( NOT IN A CHARACTER WRITING POINT, bc he is a very complex character, BUT to light as a PERSON ) The ONLY other interest he seems to have about stuff outside grades is that, in ep 2, he mentioned that he wanted to become a detective. But how much of that is his genuine own interest and how much is it because his father is a detective. a panel of the manga that was NOT shown in the anime, but belonged in ep 1 during the period in which light was having the "is it right for me to use the death note" (which had a lot more emphasis on the manga) Light had spaced out during class and the teacher said (and I quote) "You Yagami! Mister number one nationwide! what are you doing spacing out? You're our star pupil! we need you to place first again!" I guess it's not so weird that the teacher says that, but with the fact, that his family keeps asking about his grades, It's like there's nothing else to Light. His mother waited for him to come to school so he can show his test scores, his father opened a dinner conversation with him, and his sister was proud of how his brother is the best at his grade. Nothing weird, but I feel like, if there was anything else, it would have come up in the conversations. idk if I make sense, but I like to look for small details and overthink them. And I have no idea how, but somehow this ended up me spitting out the analysis I made about light when I earlier today reread the chapters 1 to 5 (aka eps 1-3 in anime do no spoiler here.) so sry about that. :D


I'll also add that the Nickleback music video that seemed to take inspiration from Death Note was for the song "Savin' Me". I remember thinking how cool that video was when I was a kid. It's a more wholesome take on the concept though lol

Be Happy

Light will never ask Ryuk if he is right or wrong because it has been established that Light is over second guessing or doubting his mission now that he enters this new realm with his *buddy* Ryuk. Light thinks he is justice, he is right, he help good people by getting rid of criminals so it is the ultimate hero act from his perspective, in addition to the overwhelming support he s got through internet for Kira !! And also, and most importantly, light s ego won’t allow him to ask anyone for assurances or validation because in his psyche he is a God of the new world so equal to Ryuk from his point of view. OMG, I can rant hours about Light Yagami, because this character is just fascinating, and complex and conflicting and we just uncovered the tip of the iceberg of him or what he is able to deliver so buckle up !! The thing is, with the death note, Light can be who he really is in all his fucked up glory, but in front of the world, he is putting a façade, the brightest, smartest most well raised boy in Japan, son of superintendent Soichiro Yagami. In many ways Light is the mask, and Kira (not only the murders, but the whole attitude and actions) is the real Light. I know a lot of people tend to choose a side, like team Kira or team L. I honestly never liked to be in a camp!! I love them both. Yes, I have a soft spot for Light because he is an extremely appealing character with that X factor that you can’t help but be fascinated by him, and I am aware of his messed up ways but again as I said in the husbando polls I have a weakness for fucked up, psycho toxic anti heros (Lelouche, Aizen , Light and of course Eren 😍) 😂😂 but I am realistic enough to acknowledge the horrifying nature of his actions. We don’t know L yet, so I am very interested in your opinion about him once we know him a bit more. So I hope you will maintain the neutral state of mind as I know you are able to . The dad reveal was quite cool and open a whole window to possibilities . And Chief Yagami is established as an honorable and honest man . Sometimes while I watch him and then Light and his family and ask, what went wrong ?? 😝 such a contrast between them. I just love how Light is a master manipulator in addition of all his lethal intellectual abilities. Him pushing the breach between L and the police is really a 4 D chess move, which means he can be patient and plays for long runs as long as the endgame is rewarding. And Matsu!! I just love him , he is such a sweet pure guy 🥰 Finally, remember this, a Shinigami sole mission as a God of Death , is to write people ´s name in the death notes as Ryuk explained because it lengthenes their own life spans , which means their purpose is to shorten humans life spans to continue to live . Love the reaction and discussion as usual and I am delighted that you seem hooked to the show


YES! That's the music video! I remember I thought the concept was really cool when I first saw it -- but yeah, hahahaha, a much more...."positive" look on that concept in the music video compared to Death Note! :)


I love the dynamic of Light vs. L we’ve already established, and how Ryuk’s just “along for the ride,” or so it seems! :) I’m definitely looking forward to seeing how Light’s character gets elaborated on in this series as we go! And oooohhhh, I like the idea that our “best schoolboy” Light is a facade for the real Kira, kind of like the whole “internet website” part revealing what people were really thinking…INTERESTING! I’m glad you pointed that out. I can see sides of both Light and L I like so far and parts that I obviously disagree with…so it will be interesting; I will try to keep a middle ground on things, but of course, I’m probably going to call out either side if they do anything crazy, haha! But yes, I can see how Light’s ego and cockiness is nearly endearing, haha! And we know so little about L so far, it will be interesting to see my thoughts as the series goes on with both characters. Yessss, Chief Yagami is interesting and I think that’s such the tragic story is that sometimes, even in a great family with a great home life…some people are just born like Light. Hm. I really am looking forward to the 4D game of chess, though! And Matsuda – glad everyone else thinks he’s a cinnamon roll, too! :) And yessss, the Shinigami world and the rules of the Death Note get more and more fascinating. Thanks for the comment! Excited for the next episode!


I was sort of similar to Light in my own childhood with academics (not at the top of the class, by any means, but how my family treated my academic performance), so I can understand his character’s development a little…I think our boy just needed a HOBBY, hahahaha! But I guess he has one now, though, right? @_@ Ooohhhhhh, that is interesting to see how the teacher expected Light to stay the “model” student in that situation! Hm. That’s interesting and definitely adds a layer of those “expectations that Light has for himself and how he has to be the “leader” of such things…that could tie to his desire to be the “leader/god” of this new world, since he feels he’s the only one who “can.” Hmmmm….I’m excited to see what more we get with Light’s character as it gets unraveled, though! :)