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This series hits the ground running and DOES NOT STOP, as we not only have Light taking new measures to secure the Death Note, thanks to Ryuk's last-minute reveal of a new 'rule' (go figure), but we also get commentary on the Internet's role in all this (forming Light's new alias as "Kira") and have a Sherlock-ian style rival for Light, now? In the form of the mysterious "L" and his side kick , equally mysterious, Watari?   

Oh, oh I'm SO hyped for the dynamic between L and Light to get unraveled! I want to sit next to Ryuk with a basket of apples and just watch this cat and mouse game unfold! The last five minutes, my jaw was on the FLOOR.   

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Death Note: Episode 2 Reaction! "CONFRONTATION!"

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/5pywlv *DIAL "L" FOR HEADPHONE WARNINGS* This series hits the ground running and DOES NOT STOP, as we not only have Light taking new measures to secure the Death Note, thanks to Ryuk's last-minute reveal of a new 'rule' (go figure), but we also get commentary on the Internet's role in all this (forming Light's new alias as "Kira") and have a Sherlock-ian style rival for Light, now? In the form of the mysterious "L" and his side kick , equally mysterious, Watari? Oh, oh I'm SO hyped for the dynamic between L and Light to get unraveled! I want to sit next to Ryuk with a basket of apples and just watch this cat and mouse game unfold! The last five minutes, my jaw was on the FLOOR. Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Be Happy

Yes!! Enter L ! Welcome to the craziest chess match you ever watched (sorry Lelouche 😉) That last scene is really one of the most significant of the series ! Because it is and will be Justice as Light saw it vs Justice as L saw it !! As always and as I love, it is all a matter of perspective

Anastasia -

Oh yeah, the moment with Lind L. Taylor is definitely the one that shows Light's real ambition. He doesn't even think twice before killing a non-criminal and he lights up (heh) at the idea of confrontation of minds. So, it's the win, the power, the exaltation he's after, not justice. And, to be fair, L probably could be seen as same. I mean, saying "I am justice" to yourself in an empty flat before a TV turned off? Sounds flashy to me. Also, great attention to details, seeing Yagami last name for the police officer :)


SO excited with the entrance of L and the various forms of "justice" at war, here! Perspectivvvvvveeeee; I'm here for it! :D


YES! Light straight up killed someone that had technically committed zero crimes. YUP. Justice, hm? And that's a good point about L; what exactly is "justice" to L, as well? So much mystery!! Hmmmmm -- and ahhh, yessssss, I can't wait until I see Episode 3 to see if we maybe get any confirmation with Ol' Officer Yagami. :) Thanks for the comment!

The truck

ugh, I was waiting for this the whole week but sadly I couldn't watch it straight away. I mean kinda had to entertain my guests, 'cuz it's my b-day and stuff. BUT yeah, L IS HEREEEE!!! Many, many people simp for L and love L to death. I personally am not one of them. I personally feel like he's great when he's interacting with other characters. Yet something about him alone as a character, he is an interesting character, but... for some reason, he doesn't really interest me that much. ( I mean I GET WHY so many people love him, I'm just an exception :D ) And I'll emphasise that he is absolutely AMAZING with other characters. Ryuk is just a chaotic neutral trying to be a true neutral. (if he was true neutral he would keep his mouth shut) If asked, I would say that the biggest question that this show presents, it's not" what is evil" or "is killing criminals evil" as I used to think. But it's more like "who has the right to decide what's evil" this came to my mind again, as I was sinking back to death note fandom during the past week and most people are on L's side or Light's side. And what I seemed to notice was that people on L's side, often not always, support him because "no one should have the right to kill people they THINK are bad" I find that fitting for this episode, because in this they L establishes very clearly, that he thinks Kira is evil and wants to execute him. This seems to contradict a lot of the things the L fans say. And I emphasise that this is not all L fans, there's also a large portion of Kira fans with... contradicting views on Kira, but I feel like L fans make the majority of death note fans. And so their opinions more on the surface. I just love the first episodes, especially this one, because the conference people were just arguing about the same thing from different perspectives. Because to some of them, they would have died either way, who cares and others are like it’s muder. What’s the moral difference between execution and murder? Both are planned manslaughter, execution is just backed up by law. And law is made by people, and it’s either some big guys making the law, or the majority of the people making the law. If it’s just a few big guys, what gives a few (probably corrupt) rich guys the right to decide who gets killed? And if it’s like a democracy thing, if majority of the people decided that terrorist gets executed, does it matter who kills? Very interesting things. OMG, you noticed Soichiro’s name, LOOOL. I forgot it was there, but cool theories you made for it. :D I think Light wants to maintain his grade’s because he isn't interested in letting people know that he is kira. He gotta have that full time life. I just think it’s not necessarily a side hobby in that sense i feel like he’s maintaining his life FOR the kira business. The part about all the other people making the websites for kira and themselves cheating this image of a god based on unexplained happenings. I find it so fascinating. Just as you pointed out, it’s not the god who makes their own temple, it’s the people. Just in the same way, God does not declare themself as the god, people do it. ( and now I got flashback’s to Aizen's speech about how gods are made) It’s not only about how in psychology and stuff, people believe things more easily if they themselves made the assumption of “that’s how it is'', but it also builds that one sided trust in people. They don't know who or what the god is, they THINK they know what the god is like. Because even if they know on the surface that “there’s no proof I know nothing for sure”. They’re still subconsciously believing it, and even the SLIGHTEST bit of a proof can do wonders, once there’s that small seed, even if things go against how you expected, the bond started and it won't break. But as well, the slightest bit of disapproving evidence before any proof can have a complete break off from the trust forever. It all matters which comes first. Sry about my rambles today, but I'm very tired, lil tipsy and very interested in this subject, lmao. “People can say those things because there is no consciousness.'' That's correct, on so many levels, and it also made me remember this fascinating conversation that we had in class a few months ago. It was about if the anonymity of the internet and the lack of consciousness actually brings out our real feelings that we may not even admit ourselves or just something we would never wish for. And it reflects what you said in the way that, as I understood, in your perspective the lack of consciousness made people say things that they wouldn’t actually want or (they would regret later), because they can do it instantly with no thought. BUT what if that’s what people actually think, BECAUSE there’s no thought behind it. If you don't have to own up to what you say, there’s no point in lying? Unless you’re intentionally lying, of course. It’s about.. Y’know subconsciousness and stuff. Idk how to explain, my translation skills aint working and how to say all my thoughts about that in english, but I hope you get my point,because it's a very interesting subject. Everyone is capable of becoming a killer, well,,, there’s a huge difference between wanting someone dead and killing someone, but I do still agree with the fact that anyone can be a killer. EVen if everyone in this world wanted to kill someone, I guess it’s the self restraint of trying not to kill or the mentality of “what would give me the right to kill” or even “I’d get into problems if I killed”. Those are a few of the MANY reasons not to kill. Technically if you vote for a law that allows death penalties, are you taking a part in murder? Interesting question. The guy who snapped and killed a guy for being rude. Well, in my case, I’d personally be questioning, how bad is your mental health situation for you to snap and kill someone for being RUDE? I feel like someone at that stage in life probably wasn't the first person he attacked. PROBABLY. Most likely the first one he killed, but I find it hard to believe that person can just snap like that for someone for being RUDE. It wasn't said that the victim had been insulting or EVEN MEAN, but just rude. People don't just end in such bad mental health situations out of nowhere. Yeah, light and his god complex… ain’t he so dreamy (◕‿◕)♡ I hope I got all my toughts in, but well if not next week then :D EDIT: actually, I forgot. L's VA is also Usopp's VA and he has some other BIG roles, but idk if you have seen Inuyasha or detective conan. (but he's Inuyasha in Inuyasha and conan in conan)

Be Happy

The conversation between Light and riyuk is so important Because it cements Light impression that he is doing the right things and giving them their heart’s inner desire to get rid of evil So he is more convinced of his mission to be the God giving justice to the Good people, but let’s not forget (and I promess, it’s not a spoiler) that this could be a sloppy slop for someone with that big of an Ego to feel the popular appreciation of his actions !! Wéll see what it will give . And that laugh at the end (OMG I Love it, Myano’s laugh as Light is just iconic) it is for me the spark of excitment to have an opponent at the same intellectual level of him, capable of challenging him and even getting the upper hand over him in this situation.. so for a bored boy, with an otherworldly power and an out of the common intelligence, and a huge ego , that think this world is rotten and nothing get his his interest, being confronted by a genius parallel of himself is the epitome of what he could have hoped for. Because it was all too easy for him to be enjoyable.. now he has to work for it and that is makes him feel so excited again 😄

Be Happy

Hi there and Happy birthday to you!! DON’T READ THIS ROMANIA I just wanna ask you if possible to remove the portion when you talk about Light interacting with L with the ennemies to lovers stuff because it is a spoiler! Up to this moment we have no idea if they are ever going to meet so let’s leave this mystery intact for Romania please. Thank u for understanding and again , have a great b day

The truck

okay, well I didn't think would be a considered as a spoiler taken what was talked about in the discord without spoiler tags, but I guess I can remove that part :)

Be Happy

And yeah! This episode is also important because it shows that Light could easily kill a non criminal if he thinks he is a threat to him or his divine mission!! Or just insult him and his mission 😂 😢😢 Again, it was an impulsive act based on anger and ego , but it was a good lesson for him that pegged him down a notch 😉

Be Happy

Thank you for understanding 😄 And again happy birthday to you


Yessss...it's going to be interesting to see how Light and Ryuk's relationship develops in this series, and Light believing he's doing the right thing and that the world supports him...it's FASCINATING! And for him to see the website and think it's all for him...it's going to be neat to see how this moves forward! :) And YES! Miyano SELLS it with that maniacal laugh! Hahaha!! Light is probably...not the best person to have this power, eh? But here we are! :) I'm so excited to see where it will go!


Yessssss, it was disturbing to see that he just KILLED without the other being a criminal or have done anything truly wrong until Light found out after the fact he actually WAS a criminal. And ooooh, yeah, he learned a lesson! I'm so hyped to see what will happen next! :)

Be Happy

I love Light and Ryuk together but I was talking about the rivalry between Light and L and how being challenged from someone with the same level as him is making him giddy because it is more fun this way especially after L proved he was a worthy opponent by getting a one on him with the TV stunt he staged 😉


Ooohhh, I gotcha!! Yes! There are SUCH Sherlock and Moriarty vibes between them! :D I'm really hyped to see where it goes with them!


please try the dub. Death note is considered to have the best dub in anime.


Thank you so much for the comment! I am watching the dub in between episodes and talking about them as I watch! :) It's been great so far, so I'm excited to watch as I go!


OH my gods i had no idea he also voiced Inuyasha i- ///////////


HEY!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! That’s awesome!! I’m SO excited for L; I will probably be on board with L’s character, but we shall see, eh? I have a feeling this show is going to make things complicated, so it’ll be neat to see where the characters go throughout it! Ryuk is SO chaotic neutral, though, and I’m LIVING for it! He’s my favorite so far! 😊 Ooh, I like the idea of questioning “who has the right to decide what’s evil!” That’s great! And yeah, L already believes Kira is evil because of his actions, but doesn’t know him at all…it’s a great mirror of Light, so thank you for pointing that out! 😊 The conference scene, I agree is SO fascinating! I love scenes like that where it’s these people having huge conversations and such! And that DOES make sense about Light wanting to maintain the façade that he’s still doing what he’s always been doing; that makes sense. Hahaha, oh, the flashbacks to Aizen, haha! It’s interesting how this one website has bloomed into something like a basic religion ALREADY, essentially! :D And no worries on being tipsy – It’s your birthday! :D I love how this show is commenting on social media and the Internet’s anonymity before it was even as big as it is now! Ahead of its time, eh? The case of mental health, ego, societal regulation, self-control; I feel all of that is going to get brought up in this series, like you pointed out. What was the mental state of that man that snapped? I think it’s a neat comparison, though, to when Light “Snaps” at L and kills him without thought that L wasn’t even a criminal…an interesting parallel, there, eh? But yeah, people aren’t in bad mental states for no reason – usually – so what does that say about their environment, etc. So many good conversations this series is already bringing out! And hahahaha, oh Light! 😊 It doesn’t help that Mamoru is voicing him! That’s awesome L’s VA is Usopp, though! The “god,” eh? :P That’s funny. Thank you for the comment!!


This is reminding me how much I love this series. I watched it one time a few years back & ngl I was upset that my co worker recommended this to me & not AOT cuz aot is THE story for me lol but yes Death Note I forgot how intense it was, the animation, the characters this made me want to binge it again! So nice to rewatch this with your commentary🙌🏽😎


Ooh, that's awesome! I really am excited to get into this story that came before AOT, shares soommmmmeeee similarities with theme and maybe character, haha, but is just a great story on its own! Thanks for the kind words and comment on here! :D

Anastasia -

Looks like Youtube restricted your video now, uh-oh :( Music claims, maybe?


Restricted? I just checked and it worked fine! Does it work for you now? I changed it from "Unlisted" to "Scheduled" on YouTube because I wasn't going to be around at 8 am to make it public; maybe that was it?