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*Headphone Warning*  

I've wanted to watch this series for a while, but now that I'm caught up with Attack on Titan's anime, this seemed like the appropriate follow up, and WOW, are the themes and characters ALREADY connecting to that series!   

But let's take a dive into the first episode of this classic! There is SO much to break down ALREADY and I'm so excited to see where this story goes...and it's only Episode One. What a pilot! I'm all in, y'all!   

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Death Note: Episode 1 Reaction! "REBIRTH!"

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/jo7qrq *Headphone Warning* I've wanted to watch this series for a while, but now that I'm caught up with Attack on Titan's anime, this seemed like the appropriate follow up, and WOW, are the themes and characters ALREADY connecting to that series! But let's take a dive into the first episode of this classic! There is SO much to break down ALREADY and I'm so excited to see where this story goes...and it's only Episode One. What a pilot! I'm all in, y'all! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Nathan Grenawalt

Just want to push back against the idea that the inclusion of Native American culture or clothing in a work immediately makes people draw back or be cautious of racism. Not saying you did anything wrong in reacting that way, but I strongly disagree with the idea that we should never use other cultures in fiction because some people have, at times, done so without sensitivity. The Shinigami with the head-dress is obviously there to show that the Shinigami are the 'death gods' of all human cultures - there is an Aztec one as well. Sorry for the semi-rant, but I think it's an important point to make. "The 2000's were a different time" because we were more free of offense back then, and could explore ideas and cultures more freely. And Death Note is very much about exploring controversial ideas.


I probably shouldn't have said that in the reaction, and I'm glad that you brought that up -- cultural appropriation is...a very tricky subject. I'm ALL for representation and want it to be done properly, but you're definitely right to say that there should be cultural representation. It stuck out as the only one "different" in the moment, but like you noticed, there's an Aztec one as well. It was definitely a "cringe-y" moment for me as a reactor, and I do regret saying it in the discussion without articulating myself clearer. >.<

Anastasia -

For me personally, Death Note is kind of coming-of-age anime. Not for Light, for me. Being 14 or 15 I, of course, also thought the world was flawed and the bad people must be isolated from the good or gotten rid of, and if somebody has all the information to discern bad from good, why shouldn't he do it? So. The next time I watched Death Note, it was a totally different show for me. The point where I stopped struggling with anthropodicea and just accepted the world as it is. Local bad and local good are still here but I no longer consider anyone worthy to judge the humanity as whole or condemn people to death just like that. Isn't that similar to saying that every book should be read twice: once, when you're younger than the hero, and once again, when you're older than them. Also no, the gut that got hit by a truck was not an example of "He was doing bad right here he will suffer more", it was an experiment to see if the suggested cause of death will work. The second book Ryuk keeps to himself, he has to write Light's name in it remember? /evil smile/


Ahhh, I like how you phrased that, that YES, many books and series have SUCH a different view when looked at younger vs. older! I love that line of thinking and it has me excited to talk about this series with you all! Also, ooooohhhh, I assumed Light was having empathy for that girl and making the man get hit by the truck because he witnessed the violence occur in real time. If that's NOT the case....hm. @_@ Well. Interesting, then. But thank you for the comment and clarification with Ryuk and his Death Note. Hmmmmm....evil smiles all around, huh? :P