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LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/lio11e
*Headphone Warning, of Course*  

This episode is like someone packing a grenade, right?   Reiner, REINER, my dude! We're getting SO into Reiner's character, his motivations, the depth of his trauma...and the people he wants to keep safe. We also get more with Falco and the other Marleyan Titan Shifters. It's kind of insane -- but not as insane as this feeling I have leaving this episode.  

Because Zeke's got a festival planned, The WAR HAMMER is coming out of hiding, and it's all conveniently as it seems our Levi Squad has infiltrated Marley...hmmmmmm....There's a LOT of set up, and now, the question is: "When Is the Grenade Going Off?"  

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Attack on Titan Season 4: Episode 2 Reaction! "MIDNIGHT TRAIN!"

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/lio11e *Headphone Warning, of Course* This episode is like someone packing a grenade, right? Reiner, REINER, my dude! We're getting SO into Reiner's character, his motivations, the depth of his trauma...and the people he wants to keep safe. We also get more with Falco and the other Marleyan Titan Shifters. It's kind of insane -- but not as insane as this feeling I have leaving this episode. Because Zeke's got a festival planned, The WAR HAMMER is coming out of hiding, and it's all conveniently as it seems our Levi Squad has infiltrated Marley...hmmmmmm....There's a LOT of set up, and now, the question is: "When Is the Grenade Going Off?" Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Nathan Hardy

Episode 3x14: OMG that Titan is so ugly and disgusting Episode 3x15: OMG that Titan is so ugly and disgusting Episode 3x16: OMG that Titan is so ugly and disgusting Episode 3x17: OMG that Titan is so ugly and disgusting Episode 3x18: OMG that Titan is so ugly and disgusting Episode 4x01: OMG that Titan is so ugly and disgusting Episode 4x02: OMG BEST WAIFU 🥰 😍🥰 😍🥰 😍 We finally meet the other Warriors. We've already been acquainted with Pieck Finger. She's a literal genius, highly analytical and intelligent, rivaling Zeke. As you saw, she can remain a Titan for months, and is highly adaptable with differing equipment and weapons. All of those young strapping Privates in the Marley military wants to ride the Cart Titan and/or finger Pieck 😛 And for the other one ... Porco Galliard ... the Chain Chomp Titan ... Romania from Ep 1: "Maybe Galliard becomes Reiner's new best friend!" *awkward chuckling, and backing away while whistling inconspicuously* Lastly, the War Hammer Titan. It's held by the Tybur family and kept in defense of Marley. It's not deployed abroad like the other Warriors. But who is the War Hammer? 🤔


Another beautiful yet dark Thumbail of Reiner lol that scene always gives me chills with him saying wait to his fallen comrades & that transition of him trying to protect the future warriors. It's sad seeing him in this position because who can he talk to about all this. If he talks his family dies it's a whole thing. That's how Marley keeps the cycle intact. The reveal of Falco Grice lol I've been waiting for it. Reiner talking about our gang at the table, it's so conflicting cuz he knows how endearing they truly are & how he betrayed them but can't say so he tries to make our "Devils" seem terrible to keep that narrative alive. Also just to clear something up for you since it won't be mentioned again, In that rain scene there was someone jumping off the roof, it was a soldier committing suicide. They confirm this with the aftermath of the scene with Gabi & Reiner walking past a group of citizens surrounding the scene saying it was a soldier. Basically Isayama showing the effects that war can have on people even if they do come home. So sad. Also update, Season 4 Part 2 OP is a bit spoilery. I watched it cuz I always love seeing there OP & ED lol very hype. It's up to you if you want to watch it when you get to it. I'll let you know when u can watch it as we get more episodes. The Part 2 ED is fine to watch. I love the lighting that Mappa has done with Part 1 especially with the sunset scene of Reiner & the kids. I also love how the animation of the characters actions look very natural like the little nods they do & everything. It looks a bit jittery sometimes but you get use to it. The characters could easily be still in the frame but they give the characters more movements which looks very life like for me🙌🏽💙Pieck is a woman!! Lol I was like Romania is gonna be so happy😂Also Galliard's stance with Reiner I totally understand that bitterness. It's just a sad situation they are all in & no one is more upset about those fallen comrades than Reiner himself because we can see it weighs on him on a daily basis. Can't wait to see more in episode 3.


Amazing reaction as always! Isayama has said on multiple occasions that Reiner is his favourite character - I never understood until this season why that was. His split persona and back story make my heart ache. Though I must admit, if I was away from home for 9 years, I’d expect a more heartfelt welcome from my Mother 😆 looking forward to your reaction to episode 3, definitely one of my personal favourites ♥️


Great discussion for this episode! My response may be long 😄 as this is such a good episode Your comment at 33:20 - My theory goes for the Attack Titan is that like Eren Kruger said that it “has ever pushed forward seeking freedom” So it sounds like the Attack Titan has always been rouge. It’s kinda like in FMAB (which I think you have watched) with Greed and the homunculus. Greed always ends up leaving the group and Father because it’s basically his nature. So in a way it’s probably the 9th Titan that abandoned the rest and no one really knows where it is. Also remember Reiner/Annie/Bertolt didn’t know for sure if Eren was the founding back in season 1 and 2 immediately because of the other ‘lost’ one. As they were very aware of the 7 that Marley has. It was only confirmed to them in 2x12. You are probably aware of the term ‘the lucky ones’. Basically it’s the idea that you call the people who died in war the lucky ones because they get to die and they don’t have to go back home and be forever changed and/or have trauma, ptsd, shellshock etc..In this case we see with Reiner just how broken this man is. It’s honestly devastating. Isayama has said that his favourite character to write is Reiner. No wonder right? What a beautiful contradiction Reiner is. Truly the other side of coin to Eren. The dinner table is shear BRILLANCE. It’s basically when you are at the Christmas meal with the family after university and they ask you your views on politics 😄 To me Reiner is more bullshitting his way through a response and he just accidentally says too much of what he actually feels “all sorts of people”. Literally the best example this guy could give to show that the Paradis people are devils is talking about the beloved potato girl story! “My days there were true hell” that says to me that he went there, realised what he had done to these people, and couldn’t live with himself and so caused a split personality on that island. “We were just kids” That sure sounds hell for anyones heart to cope with. So to me his speech to his family reads more like sarcasm. It’s a bit clearer in the manga if I remember correctly. Also note that they can take off their armbands in their own privacy but Reiner’s mum keeps hers on in her house. Says alot. To end this, it is soo wonderful for you to see best girl Pieck. Not to sure if you know her VA in anything but Galliard you’ll recognise as Kirishima (MHA) and Ennoshita (HQ)


Man, Romania, you really are starved for romance... "They've said two sentences to each other, I ship it" lol Great reaction to an underrated episode. So much happens beneath the surface, subtle things that you only notice with time. Everyone building up a front because you never know who might be listening. The fucking BEAST TITAN having a touching moment coming home to his grandparents, feels so surreal. Reiner as the main character of the show if it were told from the other side. Much to say, but I think I will do that later when some of the things have been bulit upon (even if you should have already watched those episodes). Also the fifth discussion over the two hour mark in a row, what a treat. Glad you're enjoying this part of the story. The episode does make me want to sing "Wonderboy, what is the secret of your power?" though. Re the table scene, the manga translation is different (Japanese version is esentally the same), and the presentation is different making it clear who is meant (Adaptaion with a slow zoom on Reiner is a great choice though). After looking at the raw with my bad Japanese, I think the manga translation is better, and the anime one is off. I'll let you see how the manga does and phrases it for yourself, and give my own rough translations: "Jibun no koto shika kangaete nee fumajime na yatsu" 'An unserious guy thinking about nothing but himself' "Hito no koto bakkari kangaeteru kuso-majime na yatsu" 'A shittily serious guy thinking only of people'. The parallelism might help you figure out who it is.


Regarding your comment around the 10:00min mark (about the memories affecting Eren intensely), it somehow reminds me of Nanami’s quote from JJK - “The accumulation of little sufferings is what makes you an adult.” Little sufferings is undoubtedly an understatement in Eren’s case, but I think it can apply.


What's the upload schedule for these videos?


Oh wow, that's such a good point...I think even Nanami would tell Eren to lighten up, though, at that point in Episode 22 of Season 3, haha!! :) :)


SERIOUSLY, it all makes sense now! I feel like the "gently holds" meme with Reiner -- especially after Episode 3...the next episode may be one of my favorites in the series, now, too. Dang it, Isayama, taking a character that's been "fine" for me and turning him into one of my favorites, too! First Erwin, now Reiner?! @_@


RIGHT?! I feel bad for giving Pieck grief now...Pieck is to best waifu as Reiner is now to husbando -- all things in balance as it should be, haha! It makes sense Pieck is intellectual, because her and Zeke get along so well! And the innuendos just don't stop, do they?! And ha ha ha ha, yeah, Galliard...was wrong about him being Reiner's bestie. *facepalm* DEFINITELY loving the mystery Isayama's building around the War Hammer Titan! Can't wait for the surprises!

Be Happy

Wonderful reaction and discussion as always Romania. Whiteboard kun is working overtime with this season 😉 I wanna share some points with you (without any spoilers of course) : Your question about Zeke and why he is special , yes it is because of his lineage and that what gives him this is ability to transform eldians into titans and command them ( Colt confirm that by saying that they haven’t been any beast titan like him before which means it’s his blood , and not titan ability) If you remember, Kruger in S3 ep 21 told Grisha that he has to transform Dina before Zeke told Marley about everything he knew which allow us to assume that Zeke is conscious and aware of his lineage, because being the center of Grisha s plan to retrieve the founding and use it , he has to be conscious of his role!! Also the way he dodges Colt ´s questioning goes in this same line of thinking that he hides his royality Lastly Zeke is a highly intelligent man, I mean he wouldn’t sit and be happy with his special power if he doesn’t know where it come from. So all this allow us to think that he knows but doesn’t let it be know for his own reasons ( giving birth to children with royal blood for Marley to use maybe one of them )

Be Happy

And of course , Reiner!! Holly heaven!! This guy is complex, complicated, PTSD’d , and just need some love honesty. This is the episode when you go from well he became hot to poor Reiner , I feel bad for him and as you ve seen next ep , well that cements our sympathy towards him. The dinner family talk, MAN, that was perfect. You see him struggle live between what he has been fed his whole life and his sympathy and camaraderie towards the « devils », trying to maintain the warrior façade but the heart isn’t in it anymore, which his mom absolutely took note of and closed the window!! Brilliant!!


Do you mind if we show you stills from the manga that are cut out from the episodes you're watching? For example, in this episode when Gabi and Reiner are walking, in the manga Gabi mentions something about her motivation to be a titan shifter. Would you mind if I linked you a still of that?


I'm actually going to review the manga after I'm done with the series, so I am trying to avoid manga spoilers, haha! There have been people in the YT comments bring up parts left out from the manga, but if I'm honest, I've forgotten a lot of them, but that's okay, since I'm going to review the manga -- so I think I'll hold off for now, but thank you for the offer! :) I'm SO excited to read the manga eventually!


I hope y'all like Reiner thumbnails, because he's taking them these episodes! XD That transition from those he's fall to those he wants to protect is SO GOOD! I love it! And oooh, that is good to know that it wasn't Connie! That's still so tragic! :( And thank you -- I've heard the OP is spoilery -- I'll check back in with everyone as it gets closer to Part 2 to see if there's an episode point where I can start watching it! So happy with the reveals on Galliard and Pieck so far, and yeah, MAPPA is definitely distinct from WIT, but they do a good job, especially the lighting on parts of this episode...and with Reiner in general. ^^ Thank you for the kind words and comment -- Episode 3 is one of my favorites so far.


That's a really interesting note about the Attack titan being "rogue" -- it fits Eren's character well (and my theories about him), so I'll have to bring that up later! And the "other side of the coin to Eren" -- I'm going to bring that up in a reaction soon! It's so funny you mention it here, but yes, Reiner is truly beautifully tragic and I just want to hug and protect him at this point, because he's so broken. I can see why he's Isayama's favorite, and he's becoming mine, too. And YES! Reiner tries to show JUST HOW EVIL the scouts were, but the most he can come up with is that one girl didn't share the proper half of a potato...that's a great point -- his days being hell were really about realizing he was wrong. :( Interesting...no wonder they all react so oddly to it! And that DOES say a lot about Reiner's mother...wow.... Thank you for the comment and the VA info! :)


I really am starved for romance in this series...or happiness in general! XD Thank you for the kind words! This season has truly been surreal so far, finally seeing the "other side" and it's been so rewarding, especially when you realize Reiner IS the other side's MC! Wow... @.@ I hadn't thought of it that way. And yesssss, this season has been SO good so far! I am loving it! :) Thank you for the dinner table translation, too! Interesting...

The Weird Pianist

Commander Magath is an interesting character. In Episode 1 we saw him calling Colt an Eldian and insulting him with that in a way because he was calling the shots and soon after that he's shown telling Colt how he should learn to be more of a leader like a mentor. And the guy at the beginning of Episode 2, General Calvi, is basically Hitler in AOT. He literally looks like him with that haircut. He's the head of Marleyan military as a whole.


I am VERY fascinated by Magath! He's been an interesting character so far! And I got that impression about the general -- I'm telling this to everyone in general, but please don't reveal character names or titles if they haven't happened in the episode yet. I want to find out as it comes out in the show, if that's cool! :)

Toni simi

Love to see that you're already on the Galliard/Pieck train. XD The hole in the ceiling where the counsel was reminded me of the hole Rod made when he turned into the titan. But maybe it's just me. I think it's hard to say if Falco could trust Reiner since he's so brainwashed into this system. We don't know what he would do since he is unpredictable with his different personas. Gabi telling about all these messed up stuff she's been through and it looks like she stalks about a funny trip she had with friends. This is really heartbreaking. I'm sure that Reiner knows that the Eldians in paradise aren't devils and from the dinner scene it really does look like he wants to convince himself that they are. Probably so he won't hesitate in the future. Reiner became one of the most interesting characters in this season already. Wish you a wonderful day!!


Yessss, I'm so starved for a ship in this series that's remotely canon, I will take whatever Isayama will give me! XD That's a REALLY interesting parallel with Rod Reiss and that counsel scene....hmmm.... My feelings about both Falcon trusting Reiner and Gabi telling her "Story" to her family are one in the same -- yessss, Reiner is a slave to his loyalty to Marley and it's really taxing on him at this point more so than usual! It's so tragic and I just want to hug him. He seriously has become one of the most interesting characters in the whole series, and I'm barely into this season! Insanity! Thank you for the kind words and have a great day, too!

Noi. S

I’m pretty sure that the guy jumping of the roof was just one of the eldian soldiers with ptsd we saw earlier committing suicide (if you look at this scene with the scene after about the soldier who died in the interment camp it makes the most sense)


Thank you for pointing that out!! That makes a LOT more sense with the scene following when they were gathered around him...and makes that scene all the more tragic. :( :(