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LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/xvm20x
*WARNING: I scream a LOT in this. Guard your ears*

Well, now this episode is the longest I've talked about anything I've reacted to...and I have a feeling this won't be the longest by the time it's all said and done. Where do I even start with this episode?! 

The opening chase scene? Our characters dealing with the moral implications of a fight against both humans and the titans? KENNY? This mysterious council of the "king" and the ACTUAL capturing of Eren and Historia?! 

I thought things were bleak with the titans...but ho...I did not see this storm coming.  

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Attack on Titan Season 3: Episode 2 Reaction! "Pain!"

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/xvm20x ** Warning: I scream a LOT in this. Guard your ears. ** Well, now this episode is the longest I've talked about anything I've reacted to...and I have a feeling this won't be the longest by the time it's all said and done. Where do I even start with this episode?! The opening chase scene? Our characters dealing with the moral implications of a fight against both humans and the titans? KENNY? This mysterious council of the "king" and the ACTUAL capturing of Eren and Historia?! I thought things were bleak with the titans...but ho...I did not see this storm coming. Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Moth (GreenAppleSause)

That couple in the hot air balloon were Armin's parents. They never get mentioned again, so there's that confirmation there. I think something important to mention for this episode is a quote from Armin in season 1, “To defeat a monster, you must be willing to throw aside your humanity and all that makes you human” This episode shows that so well. Armin's first kill, his coming to terms with that, Levi and Hanji with their methods of getting information, Erwin's gambling. And you say that Armin isn't the type to gamble, but I think he does a little. He's less likely to gamble with lives, but he's willing to gamble on himself. He couldn't be sure that his bluff to Bertolt and Reiner would work, he didn't know for sure that Annie was the Female Titan, or that she would follow. He makes bets he can apologise for later. So many accidental foreshadows from you again. Which is always fun. And I've realised a lot of my comments are Armin-centric, I like Armin.


Attack on Titan might not be my absolute fav anime but the animation that WIT Studio does on this anime is chef's kiss and I will always rewatch these scenes, Levi looks best animated this way!

Nathan Hardy

As you just found out, the Reisses are the true royal family. But to provide clarification, they are the actual Fritz family with the real "blood of the king", but adopted a cover surname. At this point in time, judging by how he calls all the shots, and everyone defers to his guidance and directives, it can be safe to infer that Lord Reiss is the true King of Humanity. And Historia as we saw is the immediate heir, but what is her role as the vessel? I'll leave that to you to find out.


Apparently it took the animators 6 months just to do the chase scenes with Levi at the beginning! One of my favourite episodes, loved your reaction as always 😛 also, yay for Akatsuki no Requiem, the best ending song!

Loco Logic

Hange is the Cosmo Kramer of the AoT world. No door is safe from their wild entrances!

Pada Lee

I can just hear Romania’s head overheating. Is this the rise of Eren x Historia ship? Eren is a true protagonist, unwavering from his convictions of killing all the Titans to notice all girls around him. This ED and the first S1 ED are my favorites. So good! Sasageyo!

daragh faro (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-14 19:40:38 Romania.exe has stopped working << you during the awesome action sequence. They really did go all out with this episode, a first for me to see this level of animation. Just wanted to help clear any confusion about the scouts talking after Armin's kill. When Levi said the other person hesitated it could be he is talking about Jean or the girl, she was pointing the gun at Jean then hesitated and I feel that is what Armin was confused about, the only reason Jean survived was because that girl hesitated and then Armin took the shot, that is why Armin asked "Why did I shoot first", since Jean obviously did not have a gun I take it he is referring to why he shot before she did. That is my understanding from it anyways, you probably already got all this but just wanted to make sure.
2021-10-27 01:26:16 Romania.exe has stopped working << you during the awesome action sequence. They really did go all out with this episode, a first for me to see this level of animation. Just wanted to help clear any confusion about the scouts talking after Armin's kill. When Levi said the other person hesitated it could be he is talking about Jean or the girl, she was pointing the gun at Jean then hesitated and I feel that is what Armin was confused about, the only reason Jean survived was because that girl hesitated and then Armin took the shot, that is why Armin asked "Why did I shoot first", since Jean obviously did not have a gun I take it he is referring to why he shot before she did. That is my understanding from it anyways, you probably already got all this but just wanted to make sure.

Romania.exe has stopped working << you during the awesome action sequence. They really did go all out with this episode, a first for me to see this level of animation. Just wanted to help clear any confusion about the scouts talking after Armin's kill. When Levi said the other person hesitated it could be he is talking about Jean or the girl, she was pointing the gun at Jean then hesitated and I feel that is what Armin was confused about, the only reason Jean survived was because that girl hesitated and then Armin took the shot, that is why Armin asked "Why did I shoot first", since Jean obviously did not have a gun I take it he is referring to why he shot before she did. That is my understanding from it anyways, you probably already got all this but just wanted to make sure.


I don't think the Reeve wasn't working for MP in season 1 as he would have been eaten/crushed by the titan if Mikasa didn't kill it.


The scene with Levi and Kenny in the bar is my favorite scene in the whole series. Not because it’s particularly important, just because of how badass Levi is when he pulls that gun from behind the counter and shoots. The timing was amazing. Don’t know how many times I’ve rewatch it. And the the animation was so gorgeous. I felt you when you said “we are not worthy”! Amazing episode for many other reasons too. As you can probably tell, there is gonna be a lot in this season. You can see why a lot of us feel like season one was moving at a snail’s pace compared to the rest of the show. It’s getting good :D Hope you’re feeling better too. Please let us know. Sending good vibes. ❤️


MAN, that is crazy that it was them...that makes me really sad, because it implies that the Military Police killed Armin's parents...and here we have Armin lamenting killing someone affiliated with the MP (or at least Kenny). I love the idea of Armin "gambling on himself," that you mentioned, especially because he can apologize...here, he can't offer an apology for the death...and now he knows what Bertholdt and Reiner are going through...only for Armin, it's one person...not...thousands. I love Armin as a character, so the focus he's getting this season so far is GREAT!


This episode was definitely Levi's in the first half...the studio REALLY outdid themselves on the animation for that chase scene. I can't get over how amazing that animation was!


HAHAHA, having been re-watching Seinfeld now that it's streaming, the idea of Hange as Kramer is hilarious to me! XD


That is INCREDIBLE, but I believe it! There aren't words to properly express how amazing that sequence was. And YES! Akatsuki no Requiem is my favorite ED so far -- I REALLY like the 2nd season ED, but that operatic drop towards the end of this one?! LOVE IT!


Ooooh, okay, I wasn't sure if their real last name was Reiss or Fritz. Interesting. And thank you for not spoiling! I'm so intrigued to find out what's going to happen with Historia and Eren. @_@

romaniablack (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-14 19:40:42 Hahahahahaha, y'all could hear my brain stem snapping? Good to know! XD There was a LOT to process in this episode...and I have a feeling it's just the tip of the iceberg. And YEAH, it's kind of sad that Eren has more romantic chemistry with Historia in one conversation than he did with anyone else most of season 2. Jussssst saying. &lt;.&lt; I LOVE this ED -- the 2nd ED I like, too, but this one might be my favorite so far!
2021-10-27 20:14:31 Hahahahahaha, y'all could hear my brain stem snapping? Good to know! XD There was a LOT to process in this episode...and I have a feeling it's just the tip of the iceberg. And YEAH, it's kind of sad that Eren has more romantic chemistry with Historia in one conversation than he did with anyone else most of season 2. Jussssst saying. <.< I LOVE this ED -- the 2nd ED I like, too, but this one might be my favorite so far!

Hahahahahaha, y'all could hear my brain stem snapping? Good to know! XD There was a LOT to process in this episode...and I have a feeling it's just the tip of the iceberg. And YEAH, it's kind of sad that Eren has more romantic chemistry with Historia in one conversation than he did with anyone else most of season 2. Jussssst saying. <.< I LOVE this ED -- the 2nd ED I like, too, but this one might be my favorite so far!


Ahhh, that is a good point; he was just being greedy in the moment with all of his goods and it ended up nearly hurting many people in the process. I'm glad he redeemed himself by sticking around Trost to help afterwards, at least.


No, seriously, my brain could not keep up with the awesomeness that was that chase sequence! They went SO HARD so early in this season, just to set a standard! @.@ Ahhhh, that makes sense. Armin shot her "without hesitation" as he noted, while the girl didn't immediately shoot Jean, because Jean noted her hesitation on her face. UGH, nothing like our cadets having an existential crisis in the middle of a moment like this with Eren and Historia captured. @__@

romaniablack (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-14 19:40:41 That gun from behind the counter and showdown with Kenny was SO. DARN. EPIC. I just can't get over how badass Levi was in that scene and this episode! We certainly were not worthy of such craft! &lt;3 And seriously, compared to season 2 and now season 3, season 1 DEFINITELY feels like the slower, simpler season. A month ago, I wouldn't have believed you. I'm SO hyped for this season, now! And thank you so much! Luckily, it was literally a runny nose that just drained and made my throat scratchy. It was like that for two days, so in another reaction, I sound a little "off" but I am 100% normal now. I really appreciate all the good vibes!! &lt;3 Thank you so much!
2021-10-27 20:21:15 That gun from behind the counter and showdown with Kenny was SO. DARN. EPIC. I just can't get over how badass Levi was in that scene and this episode! We certainly were not worthy of such craft! <3 And seriously, compared to season 2 and now season 3, season 1 DEFINITELY feels like the slower, simpler season. A month ago, I wouldn't have believed you. I'm SO hyped for this season, now! And thank you so much! Luckily, it was literally a runny nose that just drained and made my throat scratchy. It was like that for two days, so in another reaction, I sound a little "off" but I am 100% normal now. I really appreciate all the good vibes!! <3 Thank you so much!

That gun from behind the counter and showdown with Kenny was SO. DARN. EPIC. I just can't get over how badass Levi was in that scene and this episode! We certainly were not worthy of such craft! <3 And seriously, compared to season 2 and now season 3, season 1 DEFINITELY feels like the slower, simpler season. A month ago, I wouldn't have believed you. I'm SO hyped for this season, now! And thank you so much! Luckily, it was literally a runny nose that just drained and made my throat scratchy. It was like that for two days, so in another reaction, I sound a little "off" but I am 100% normal now. I really appreciate all the good vibes!! <3 Thank you so much!

Toni simi

Flegel is voiced by Hatanaka Tasuku who voiced Reki in Sk8 and Touma in Hoshiai no sora. This was such a heavy themed episode. I get the feeling at the end of this season the disscusions are gonna be three hours long but I'm here for it. XD As if this series would give us a backstory right at the start. They always want us to grave long enough for it till we get it. And again they show us how good of characters Jean and Armin are. I loved that Levi told Armin that if he wouldn't have taken the live of someone else Jean, a person he cares about, wouldn't be here anymore. It doesn't make it right but it showed Armin that it was necessary in the moment. Jean's guilt that he wasn't able to do it so Armin had to. I liked that he talked about it and didn't bottled it all up inside him. I really like the Idea that Nile is the character that could've been Jean if he wouldn't have changed his mind. Erwin is here to give us all the dramatic lines. What's with all the parallels and vall backs this episode? It's amazing. I don't believe Reeves worked for the military police at that time. If it wasn't for Mikasa he would have died too and I don't think he would have taken this risk. Armin saying they all aren't good people anymore. Sannes calling Hanji and Levi monsters. I love that this episode has moments that are just about perspective. Wish you a wonderful day!!


Thank you so much! I usually -- **knock on wood** -- don't get colds or the flu, so I was glad to be over it quickly. :)


Oooohhh wow! I can't believe Flegel and Reki/Touma share a VA! That's awesome! This was a REALLY heavy episode and ahhh, y'all saying the discussions are going to get that long by the end of the season? **nervous laugh** Oh my... And of course, Isayama is going to make us WORK and sweat for that backstory...and melt our brains a little along the way. I love Jean and Armin as a duo; they are such great characters and I like seeing Levi working with them as well...I felt for Armin and Jean in this -- two characters with big hearts, having to deal with the pain of war. And YES! Erwin is here to deliver epic lines! The call backs and parallels are AMAZING this season so far; the recap will be wild already! The gray areas with characters and perspectives is just getting crazy...and that's good to note about Reeves not working for the MP at the time. Makes sense! Thank you for the kind words and have a great day, too!