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This volume was SO GOOD! No nonsense, here, as Miura delves into Guts struggling with the new Berserker armor and new details come to light as there could be a way to bring one of my favorite characters back into the game -- but of course...nothing is easy! And with Miura, nothing is without some mystery and confusing chaos!

NOTE: Apologies for my tears at the start of this intro - I had tried to record my addressing of comments two times prior and had the same emotional response, so this third try I just worked through it.

Thanks for understanding! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Romania Black - BERSERK: Manga Volume 28 Reaction! THE BOY IN THE MOONLIGHT?!

**MOONLIT HEADPHONE WARNINGS** This volume was SO GOOD! No nonsense, here, as Miura delves into Guts struggling with the new Berserker armor and new details come to light as there could be a way to bring one of my favorite characters back into the game -- but of course...nothing is easy! And with Miura, nothing is without some mystery and confusing chaos! NOTE: Apologies for my tears at the start of this intro - I had tried to record my addressing of comments two times prior and had the same emotional response, so this third try I just worked through it. Thanks for understanding! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



I love volume 28! It’s one of my favorite! Moonlight Boy is very mysterious! He looks like both of them, Guts and Casca. He has no effect on the brand and his eyes are human. He is also probably about 3-4 yrs old. He also did protect both Casca and Guts. Of course we can’t tell you, but there are clues to what is going on. I think it’s funny that Serpico thought that someone robbed a toddler. I mean, what does a toddler possess thats worth taking? I just always chuckle at the thought. And yes, Moonlight Boy is cute as a button, he is adorable! Father Daughter beach scene: I absolutely love the talk that Guts has with Schierke. I think it’s more of a father daughter relationship. One thing is that when Ivalera ( the instigator) brings Schierke’s feelings up and teases her, Guts does not. He just leaves that alone and doesn’t put her down for whatever it is that Schierke is experiencing at that moment. Is it weird? I don’t think so, but then again, I’ve had so many crushes when I was her age that to me it seems normal. Heck, I even had a Shaun Cassidy record I played into the ground! I should see if it’s available for download. 🤔 Edit: found a video! 😍The comment section on this video is hilarious! https://youtu.be/l1nTfgUbW48?si=Ece4QU-omRmVLdzA Casca: this is a hope, and a tempered hope. When I first read this, I figured that her wish would not be to go after Griffith, but to find her child. Then the next page the kid shows up…. Basically, I thought that revenge would not be her wish but healing would be. Guts would want to have Casca back, but would she be so quick to accept HIM back and not pursue her child. So much has happened between the two of them so….. who knows what she would want. That’s how I took what SK meant. We shall see how this shakes out. Sonja: is she creepy? Yes! I do love this meeting though. There is an innocence to the encounter. Sonja offering her hand in friendship is kinda sweet. Should we be wary? Oh yes! We are the omniscient audience! We know things! But, Sonja may just want a friend that isn’t a duck! I like this little side quest of the children at the dock. Guts has been right that Schierke can take care of herself there in the city….. “These are not the droids you are looking for!” Hahahaha! Even though Sonja is a Hawk Member, it may be better to have a friend in their ranks than an enemy. Totally unrelated topic here but have you heard of Tu Tam? If you like BL then this will be right up your alley! (and I know you do!) If you know about it, the final video should come out in October! I’m sooooooo excited! Anyway enjoy the Music Videos! https://youtu.be/4GuR_g75ufY?si=X4Kx7yYSuJGkXGaO https://youtu.be/Ri5Jl11TGTk?si=HLX1umNedWXBJGcg On to Volume 29! And the second half of the pier fight! 👁️👁️👁️👁️FEB Spoilers⬇️👁️👁️👁️👁️ Mmmm fried alligator! Volume 28: 2! But one eye was shown 3 times.


I feel I’ve missed an important clue, BUT, I’ve told my moderators that I want to wait and see what the series gives me - I feel others in my shoes did not just “figure it out” immediately but I’m sure once the truth comes out, it will make sense. Still, mysterious - mysterious - I will look forward to the day when Miura reveals it to me! He is very cute, though! I love the idea of Guts as a father/brother figure to Schierke! Their scene on the beach was one of my favorites in this series so far, honestly! I love that Guts doesn’t feed into Ivalera’s teasing! Like I said on YT, I never had crushes on older men when I was growing up, but I’m also on the ace spectrum, so that probably has a major impact on that. I could just tell Schierke was uncomfortable and I have a protective aura around her, haha!! And yes, Casca has hope! That is an interesting point about Casca going off to find her kid – I never even thought of it that way, because the baby was miscarried, so I figured she’d think it was dead. If she could sense the baby, though, while in her “simple state” – well, that brings some…conflicting thoughts but maybe it was the mother's intuition…who knows. We shall see, but I’m hoping that everyone can avoid giving me hints. Once I figure it out, we can definitely talk afterwards about the foreshadowing or what that hinted at it. 😀 Sonja is creepy in how FEARLESS she seems to be, especially knowing that she’s literally been in the mouth of the lion! I’m all for Sonja NOT being creep, but I don’t trust her an ounce. Oh, interesting! I will have to check Tu Tam out! Thank you so much for the comment and the kind words! And YES, so excited for Volume 29!


As far as the kid is concerned,I don’t think you missed anything. It took people many rereads and years to kinda figure out what was going on. Just wanted to reassure you that you are putting the pieces together pretty well! Especially for a first read through!


Okay, awesome! Thank you so much -- I've had people in other series in the past deliberately try to "steer" me towards conclusions and I was so bummed when it spoiled a surprise, so I try in the present to let people know ahead of time, but thank you for clarifying! I will definitely be excited when Miura puts all the pieces together for us! :3 ^^