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The tension is building, as bluffs are called, communication gets more and more complicated, and our characters are pushed to take measures beyond their traditional means...and the mysteries are starting to build towards the climax of the series! I can't believe we only have an episode and a movie to go!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/VqoKweHQVKt2iWSwHZLRwh?

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Romania Black - PSYCHO-PASS First Inspector: Episode 2 Reaction! Ziggurat's Capture, Part 2?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/VqoKweHQVKt2iWSwHZLRwh? **BLUFFING HEADPHONE WARNINGS** The tension is building, as bluffs are called, communication gets more and more complicated, and our characters are pushed to take measures beyond their traditional means...and the mysteries are starting to build towards the climax of the series! I can't believe we only have an episode and a movie to go! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Anime Annie

Psycho-Pass game sounds like it'd be fun. First-person shooter style, but as you solve cases you unlock stories and get to see flashbacks and slice of life moments 💸 Good thing for Irie otherwise that detonation could have taken so many of them out. Also they had to find some way to keep Ginoza away to keep the hotness level at a reasonable reading now that Kougami and Kei are joined up with Irie 🤣 Love that they did give us a moment after the intensity for Shion and Kougami to greet each other, and also to see that, even though they are at odds, Kei and Shindo still really care about and worry for each other 🥺 Shindo walking around with an axe is equal parts hilarious and realistic. Any weapons at MWPSB are locked up elsewhere. The only thing available to them that they could use as a weapon is a fire emergency axe. Is it Psycho-Pass if there isn't at least one knife fight? 😂 Kougami's about a fair fight. He's not bringing a gun to a knife fight, even if that would be more sensible. Romania, you're really out here making me kinda want a Shindo/Karina The Bodyguard AU 😆 Fits even better considering Karina was an Idol! The thing with Azusawa saying to Kei "Are you willing to lose your partner for that political figurehead?" is that the term he uses for partner "aibou" would also be a term that could mean Shindo. I found it interesting that Azusawa used that term over a more specific term for wife to refer to Maiko. Aibou can mean significant other but also partner/pal (and I mostly hear that specific term when it comes to partners in sports anime 😆) Irie is such a little softy at heart. It's been fun watching you see as his layers peel away 🥺 Also makes the seemingly random gift-giving have a little more plot relevance in them being able to use it to distract the robot. So happy that Shion gets to have her own badass moment with how good she is with computers. Azusawa setting the timer to being three minutes probably felt more like a challenge for her 😅 But it was such a death flag when she was talking about walking around with someone she loves 🥺 I need Shion and Kunizuka together, but not in a hospital together 😅 They're really good at building up the tension and fear we feel as a viewer with each choice Kei makes. And because we aren't getting any internal thoughts from Kei, or anyone linked with Bifrost, we are left in the dark and can only worry over how things could go wrong for Kei. Especially with how we've seen the bad outcomes of so many of the choices Azusawa arranged. I'm right there with you on how I'd have that gas mask on me the moment I saw the gas. Cars are not airtight. Could easily have come in through the vents, or if even a single window wasn't shut tight. The Pillbugs being MVP this episode could be seen as a reminder that even the smallest of things can create a big change. In this case it's teeny robots manage to save Shindo after he lost the damn axe and baton 😆 Is it bad when you said "What more could you want?" about Irie that immediately my brain went, "A razor to shave off that damn soul patch" 🤣🤣🤣 Can't believe it'll be the penultimate week of Psycho-Pass next week. So not ready for it to end!


Loved the reaction & discussion! … Been procrastinating writing my comment a little due to the cruel and unwavering march of time. 😭 More character moments: Kogami and Gino’s competency and authority are great to watch, even just in their demeanour. Shion getting hurt is unacceptable! But we also get Hinakawa worried and stepping up. Obata and Azusawa are so fun to watch! 🥰 I think your Irie journey has been one of my favourites for S3! 🥰 From finding Irie and Tenma quite irritating, to saying Kisaragi would be making the right decision if she gave Irie a chance! Amazing progression – Irie IS a sweetheart. 🥰 I find Kei’s conflict to be a fascinating – we know a lot about the Arata/Kei relationship, the trust between them – so seeing these “opportunities” present themselves to Kei is quite nail-biting. Also it lends itself very nicely to different viewers leaning in different directions with him – how much any one trusts Kei really depends on a bunch of personal factors. Also a translation note – in another subtitle version (first one I watched), Shion’s ‘go on walks’ line ends not with ‘someone I love’ but with ‘my beloved.’ So that scene between Shion and Komiya just had me by the throat. 🥺 Looking forward to next week! 💙


Thank you so much for the kind words and comment! Yeah…I’m not ready to be caught up, that’s for sure! I love seeing Kogami and Ginoza working together, though! But yes, how DARE Shion suffer! I do love how it gives Hinakawa an opportunity to step up as a leader! And yes, Obata and Azusawa are QUITE the pair in this part – I really love their dynamic. And the Irie journey! He and Temma really have completely changed in my mindset! And yeah, I’m now 100% rooting for Irie and Kisaragi! How has this show managed such a feat to change my mind THIS much on these characters?! But that’s Psycho-Pass for you! And yes – Kei’s conflict really depends on your view of him, of Arata, of the circumstances he’s in – I get why Kei is making the decisions he is, but I want to shake him because of the negative complications it could lead to! Three seasons of Psycho-Pass have led us to be wary, right?! And that translation has my heart! YES! Give us that Shion x Kunizuka love we all want! I’m very excited for the weeks to come…but very sad we’re nearly caught up! Thank you for the comment and kind words!


I would play a Psycho-Pass game in a HEARTBEAT! Get on it, IG, or whatever software company you’re adjacent to! ;) Ginoza’s hotness level at this point in the show is at critical mass – and now with Kei/Irie/Kogami all around him? No wonder the season had to end! 😛 And yes, what a journey I’ve been with Irie’s character! Kisaragi, I’m rooting for you – he’s not a bad choice, especially compared to her past! #_# BUT AHAHAHAHAHA – yeah, I DO NOT like facial hair usually on men, especially the soul patch, so…agreed. I love that despite everything, Kei and Arata are still friends – it still makes me nervous with what Kei’s doing, but I just want them to stay friends despite everything that happens. And “Arata with an axe” was not on my Psycho Pass BINGO card! Also, RIGHT?! The Karina/Shindo Bodyguard AU writes itself! But yes, Kei’s choices scare me, especially with how this series likes to play with the theme of “choices and consequences.” Shion and Kogami reunite and it’s all I could have asked for with them! And I’m all for Shion’s moment to shine, but I need her and Kunizuka to make it out alive and well, please! Exactly as you said! Kogami will always be in a knife fight in this series – it’s like a contract he signed each movie/season! OOHHHH, interesting that Azusawa meant Shindo, there. Yeah, the gas mask would have been a REQUIREMENT the moment I saw it. And yes, I can see what you mean by the pillbugs being the “small but mighty” force reminder in this show, along with the axe, baton, all the little things – I suppose Akane would have approved! It’s so weird to think we’re reaching the catch-up point of Psycho-Pass – I’m not ready for it to end, either, but I am SO ready for these weeks to come! Thank you for the comment and kind words!