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Look, I realize after the fact that I am VERY harsh about Gotou and Kyouko in this episode...but....there's just something about them that TRIGGERS my inner rage and "Protecc" mode for Rei, our sweet bean!

Alternatively, I LOVE Shimada and Nikaido more than my heart can stand, as my emotions go on a ROLLER COASTER this episode...surprising no one with this series!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/VWcLx1a5x91Qo1J8A3w2Rc? 

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


March Comes in Like a Lion // 3-Gatsu no Lion: Episode 15 Reaction! MOONLIGHT & LUMP OF EGO?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/VWcLx1a5x91Qo1J8A3w2Rc? **MOONLIT HEADPHONE WARNINGS** Look, I realize after the fact that I am VERY harsh about Gotou and Kyouko in this episode...but....there's just something about them that TRIGGERS my inner rage and "Protecc" mode for Rei, our sweet bean! Alternatively, I LOVE Shimada and Nikaido more than my heart can stand, as my emotions go on a ROLLER COASTER this episode...surprising no one with this series! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



18:00 I agree with you but when I thought about it I think it depends if the chronological timeline of events match what we see in the episode. if she went to him after he told her he was leaving then it makes sense she goes there and says don't leave, but if the timeline is same as shown then she had no reason to be there and was invading his space (its invasion either way but understandable in the first case)


I totally get what you are saying! The first part does make sense "why" she does it -- even if I don't like her actions, I can get where she's coming from! Thanks for the comment and offering that perspective!