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My HEART, y'all. It just DROPPED to my STOMACH this episode! This definitely felt more like the "Rule of 8" this season, and I have a feeling the next three episodes or "movies" rather are going to be the TRUE final act of the series (and then we'll have one last movie, but I want to stay in the dark about that one).

This episode talking about justice, how we define it, what it means to us, and the bonds that are forming and breaking apart this episode -- it's all INSANE and I am both EXCITED and TERRIFIED for what's left to go with these characters I've really come to care about!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/kq2bbnGUdJtwqoJjzCanfc? 

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Romania Black - PSYCHO-PASS Season 3: Episode 8 Reaction! CUBISM!?

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/kq2bbnGUdJtwqoJjzCanfc? **ABSTRACT JUSTICE HEADPHONE WARNINGS** My HEART, y'all. It just DROPPED to my STOMACH this episode! This definitely felt more like the "Rule of 8" this season, and I have a feeling the next three episodes or "movies" rather are going to be the TRUE final act of the series (and then we'll have one last movie, but I want to stay in the dark about that one). This episode talking about justice, how we define it, what it means to us, and the bonds that are forming and breaking apart this episode -- it's all INSANE and I am both EXCITED and TERRIFIED for what's left to go with these characters I've really come to care about! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Loved the reaction & discussion! Particularly delightful 🥰 + This! Episode! I love this season finale - it feels like them trying a slightly different episode structure, as well, where there are scenes going back and forth in terms of when exactly they happen I think (between the various interviews, then team-talks, events of the episode, etc). Really enjoy when shows do this kind of pacing. Your journey with Kei and Arata this season has been a delight to watch. 🥰 This development for them is heartbreaking because it makes sense – I think Kei doesn’t believe he can find support (this has been reinforced so many times in a short span of time), doesn't think that he can have someone else fix his situation, that he has to take action himself. 😭 I wanted to note how well they have done this season! Specifically around character work, I think this is on full display in exactly this episode and in your reaction: we have almost an entire squad of completely new characters (along with a complicated plot) and we have come to care for them enough that we feel the despair and betrayal which leads them to make the kind of choices they make this episode; at the same time, they are sharing screentime with the long-time-darlings - who we have also seen very little of this season! We have everyone in this episode, and they are on nearly equal footing in terms of emotional priorities for the audience. Round of applause for the creators, I think. 🥰 And so many more moments: the scene of Kogami and Akane talking through the door; Shion and Kunizuka 🥰; Irie’s Constant Struggle 🤣; getting more of the MFA squad; etc. Azusawa/Makishima is an excellent ship idea! Also especially wanted to note our precious bean Hinakawa – the way back in S2 he was desperately trying to keep himself part of the backdrop, looking to others for protection, always observing and considering where danger could be lurking. To now, proactively looking after Division 1, speaking up! He has done so well. 🥰 Of course at the end of a season have to spend some time on Yugo Kanno’s excellent work with the soundtrack. This season there were so many opportunities for new variations of previous S1-2 themes getting injected into themes for the new characters. Some particular highlights linked below (as usual static no-spoiler cover image, comments off): Koichi Azusawa’s theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQYpYiva8cU The system is not everything: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=km-ceT1eHL4 It’s raining: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffPW8ivDsvM God forgives everything: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1bm_vM8328 Cannot wait for next week! Onwards and upwards 💙


Thank you so much for the comment and kind words! This episodddddeeee! The “interview” style was a very unique choice and I thought it was effective! And honestly, the journey has been REAL with Kei and Arata! I can’t believe how attached to them I’ve gotten, to the point where I’m HEARTBROKEN at Kei’s decision. The character work has been soooo good! And yeah, in such a short amount of time, I care for so many of them! It’s weird that while I would LOVE to see more Ginoza, Sugo, and Kogami – this season didn’t feel like it was NEEDED. But honestly, the Kogami and Akane scene? MY HEART. Shion and Kunizuka moments? HINAKAWA our bean! I’m so proud of him! The sound design and OST is soooo great, too! Ahh, thank you for the links to the soundtrack! I appreciate it and the kind words! Yes, weird to think we only have a month of Psycho-Pass left! T_T

Anime Annie

Even with the longer episode length it definitely feels strange for Episode 8 to be the end of Season 3. In regards to Sunspots talking about certain parts of the fandom blaming Kunizuka's Hue deteriorating being due to her sexuality, it leaves such a bad taste in my mouth for me. Thankfully I didn't see too many comments regarding that particular head canon (though I did see a couple). Such a head canon definitely reads as lesbophobic, especially considering for such a head canon you have to ignore ACTUAL canon in regards to how stress, being a victim or a witness to a crime, etc. can cloud your Hue. We got a backstory for Kunizuka back in Season 1 that showed her Hue clouded from hanging around a band that weren't accredited by the Sibyl System. We don't know why the band weren't given accreditation but music is such a strong influence on people's thoughts, feelings, and their overall mood. In my opinion it's a lot easier to accept hearing certain chord progressions and/or lyrics could cloud a person's Hue, over the idea that someone's innate sexuality could be blamed. I agree with you that outsiders' reactions/opinions could have an effect on a person's Hue, but there's no canonical proof that Kunizuka had to endure such homophobia, and it ignores that within the world and society of Psycho-Pass that same sex relationships are not frowned upon. Yay, you're a fellow TNG Trekkie! 🥳 Honestly think that may have been one of the first roles I ever saw Patrick Stewart act in 🥰 Psycho-Pass really made it so hard for me with trying not to ship Kei and Shindo together 🤣 I'm such a sucker for the childhood friends trope, and so many of their interactions before that made me love them as a pair. But, like you, because Kei is happily married I find it hard to ship him with anyone other than Maiko, and Shindo definitely gives off more of a heterosexual vibe. Though it did still make this episode painful with how the two of them were still at odds 💔 Nothing brings the tsundere out of Mika more than her interactions with Akane 😆 I do love seeing that Mika and Kunizuka's friendship has progressed, and they're close even with Kunizuka no longer an Enforcer. From what I can remember Kunizuka was always very professional in the way she called Mika (always calling her Inspector Shimotsuki) and likewise Mika always called Kunizuka "Kunizuka-san". At their meeting in this episode however their way of address has changed to being much friendlier with Kunizuka calling Mika by her first name and using the -chan suffix, whilst Mika has also adopted referring to Kunizuka by her first name Yayoi (though she does continue to use the -san suffix potentially as a show of respect for Kunizuka, or simply because she is older than Mika). I find Kougami standing on the sidelines in the meeting between SAD, Mika, Kei, and Shindo so intriguing. It definitely separates him from the rest, but he's not as aloof around them as he was before and instead willingly adds in his own two cents about the whole situation. Also nice to see Ginoza trying to diffuse the situation between Kei and Shindo as it reminds me a lot of Ginoza when he was an Inspector 🥺 Romania: They weren't even there! You already cracked the code on us being unable to have the hot men in a scene together because it would just be too much for the audience. Psycho-Pass got round it in this scene by making Ginoza, Sugo, and Kougami not physically in the room 🤣 Hinakawa trying the weight machine is definitely one of the more precious scenes in this show 🥺 Though I can't help but laugh that any other time someone's been working out in that gym they've been in the proper workout gear...meanwhile Hinakawa is still in his full suit 😂 It's definitely an extra detail that shows he's definitely more of a brains guy. As much as I adore the new Division 1, I do have to admit this episode made me adore the relationship between Azusawa and Obata just as much as the relationships between all the members of Division 1. Azusawa is the kind of character that needs someone like Obata to knock him down a few pegs. I felt the same way about Komiya saying "I'll do what I can" in regards to releasing Maiko, especially with how her eyes darted to the left before saying it. That's a very common tell in body language that someone is lying. Definitely felt like a very deliberate choice in animation to give further weight to the idea that her statement was simply a politician's workaround answer. Shion being so open with Kunizuka makes me adore them both so much 🥰 I also love Shion's analogy with the lizard. She's seen, and is proud of, Kunizuka for being able to return to normal society. But it doesn't change that she might be afraid of such a life for herself, especially as we don't know how long Shion has been a member of the MWPSB, just that her time there has been longer than Kunizuka. It also gave me Kagari feels when I first watched it because I couldn't help but think he'd have had a similar issue given how long he was removed from "normal" society 🥺 I feel like it's very similar how there are some criminals in the real world who struggle to adapt to life outside of prison after they've either served their time or been paroled. Your reaction to the Kougami/Akane moment was the same as mine. They fed my shippers heart crumbs but it was enough for me to forgive them from withholding Kougami/Akane scenes throughout this season 😆 The after credits scene was certainly evil of them. I can remember wanting to tear my hair out when that's how it ended, and remember searching to see if there was going to be any more to come. As much as I love that I couldn't be spoiled about Psycho-Pass as it's an original anime (other media came after the anime) this was one of those times where I felt so much frustration at not being able to just read ahead to get some much needed answers. Definitely agree that with their backgrounds that Ginoza would be a good choice for Shindo to talk to about his father 🥺


Right?! It definitely feels (knowing now about the First Inspector arc) that it should have included that in the season – but more on that later on! I’m glad that the majority don’t blame her hue on her sexuality – in a series this open-minded, that’s such a good thing! And YES, especially because there WAS an excuse for her hue clouding in Season 1! TNG was definitely the first time I saw Patrick Stewart! I think because in real life, the moment I see people in a healthy relationship, it’s an instant “don’t homewreck/don’t mess with it” that is why I have trouble shipping Kei and Shindo together – now…if Maiko is into a threesome or polyamorous relationship? Then SURE! Akane is just the bane to Mika and that one that can totally push her buttons! I agree, Mika and Kunizuka have a great relationship as well! And Shion and Kunizuka are too precious – just let them live out their best lives together! Kogami just wants to be “top dog” and “Sherlock” it up in that scene! And him and Kogami and Akane?! OMGGGG Yessssss! Ginoza has grown SO MUCH in this series! Psycho-Pass knows the dangers of having these hot men too far on screen together! I LOVE Hinakawa’s growth as well – and yes, while the Division 1 dynamic is so good, Azusawa and Obata make for such an intriguing pair! And Azusawa ACTUALLY being respectful to all the women in this series is interesting! My heart was BROKEN with the decisions made between Kei and Shindo this season – it definitely made me VERY happy I didn’t have to wait on the “First Inspector” to watch it! Thank you for the comment and kind words! I can’t believe we’re entering the “home stretch!”