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I have been WAITING for Homura backstory, but I did not expect for us to get a whole EPISODE of it! So many answers, FINALLY!

And wow, what a twist and turn we go on this episode! This episode was so fantastic, terrifying, and set in stone that Homura is maybe my favorite character in the series...and that Kyubey NEEDS TO GO.

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/5xz1fr 

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Episode 10 Reaction! I WON'T RELY ON ANYONE ANYMORE?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/5xz1fr **TIME WARPED HEADPHONE WARNINGS** I have been WAITING for Homura backstory, but I did not expect for us to get a whole EPISODE of it! So many answers, FINALLY! And wow, what a twist and turn we go on this episode! This episode was so fantastic, terrifying, and set in stone that Homura is maybe my favorite character in the series...and that Kyubey NEEDS TO GO. Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


L Freya

What a great and horrific episode! The shock seeing our girls cornered by Homura's choices, and learning more about her time jumping power is very interesting too. She can only seemingly restart from a single point but can temporarily stop time around her seemingly as often as she wants (I guess it might use up her soul gem if it is used long enough). Homura really is going to get in big trouble if they ever do a locker check on her! It's crazy seeing how determined she gets to try and save Madoka from becoming a magical girl, and we see how much of a toll her Groundhog Day scenario takes, but even when she's ready to give up, Madoka is there to keep pushing her on. I enjoyed seeing you break down the timelines and the darkest timeline is definitely one where Homura has to end Madoka's life. I think for a show that is only 12 episodes long, it's really amazing just how much character development they have put into the story, and how much more there is to everyone beyond the surface. Can't wait for the final episodes! Kyubey really went off the deep end in this episode too, I agree! But there's just something about him where yes, he's actively going after the girls at their weakest, but he's still doing it passively. Maybe it's a small irrelevant detail, but I think because he never harms people in an apparent way like a villain would gruesomely kill their victims, it's easy to forget how twisted he is!


I haven't watched the reaction yet (but i plan to VERY soon!) but here's some "fun facts" that I posted in a different reactor's recent reaction to episode 10. Don't worry as I always make sure NOT to post spoilers. These are just tidbits and details that are either missable OR in outside media that won't be found from just watching the anime! Edit: I have now watched the reaction and removed a few points that were already mentioned in the discussion portion. ---------------------------------------------------- +What was Madoka's original wish? (not spoilers, the anime will not tell you and it's safe to discuss) -Her original wish was revealed in a Drama CD and it was to save a dying stray cat named Amy that got hit by a car. It's the same cat as the one in the OP that Madoka is hugging. SPEAKING of the OP, the imagery in the whole OP is most likely all the fun and interesting stuff Madoka got to do in the earlier timelines (and not *just* the bait-and-switch to fool the audience). +When Homura goes back in time, where does she start? -She ALWAYS starts on the same day, in every timeline: about one week before she starts her first day as a transfer student. You can see a calendar in her hospital room right after she makes her wish with Kyubey. Coincidentally, this is also the SAME day that Madoka would make her OWN wish to become a magical girl. So, every timeline after that promise with Madoka, she rushes out to save Amy as soon as possible. +How many times has Homura gone back? -According to the writers in an interview, Homura has gone back in time at LEAST 100 times. She's in each timeline for roughly 4-6 weeks every time so just multiply that by 100 to get a general idea as to how long she's been at this. +Does Sayaka always become a witch? -Yes. Just keep in mind that we learned that Sayaka becomes a witch BECAUSE Hitomi has feelings for Kamijo and Sayaka is too afraid to confront her own feelings. These are two things that are completely UNINFLUENCED by Homura so they will ALWAYS happen if Sayaka makes her wish. +Where did Madoka's potential come from? -Just hold onto that question for a bit longer. +Why was the OP at the end? -Well, now that we have the FULL context of Homura it's clear now that the song is in complete reference to HOMURA'S journey as a magical girl and NOT Madoka's. With Madoka as a protagonist, they hid away the fact that Homura was the deuteragonist (second-most important character in a story). Ain't that fun? -------------------------------- Also, episode 10 still remains as one of my personal favorites and Homura has been my FAVORITE character since 2011! The amount of figures and merch I have is...a "healthy" amount. I watch a lot of anime, and a lot of new faves pop up here and there but Homura absolutely remains as the top favorite for me (as well as Madoka Magica as a whole). When you finish this show AND the movie, rewatches are SUPER rewarding as you can see the inner turmoil that Homura goes through in every interaction with Madoka from the first episode. It's really well done.


I think the drama CD content is still a maybe-maybe as far as I know


I LOVED this episode! It’s insane how she’s set up this continuous loop that we can’t stop now! And the fact that she went from this shy girl just wanting to save her dear friend to a young woman hoarding mass weapons of destruction! The Groundhog Day scenario is REAL! And Madoka keeps pushing her on without even realizing how it’s making the cycle worse and worse! This show is so incredible for ONLY 12 episodes – it really makes you want soooo much more, but then you get so much more appreciation for the quality in one episode! And KYUBEY! That mofo! He’s suchhhhh a great antagonist! I’m not ready for these last few episodes and movie, that’s for sure! Thank you so much for the comment and kind words!