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Many moons ago, I talked about the first Superman story.  It was nothing like the Man of Steel we know today. I also hated that the video had no visuals in it, since the story was only text-based. So, I reached out to an animator friend of mine who you might know as LemonyFresh and he agreed to  do a collosal 6-7 minute animation about the Reign of the Superman story!

As far as I know, it'll be the first time someone put visuals to the tale, and I'm super excited! It's still a few months out, but here is the draft! Let me know what you think!

(Never mind the audio quality. That'll be fixed later.)





Will this ever see the light of day?


Scott now is the perfect time to release this. With rumors circulating that Mr. Oz might somehow be Dunn you'd come out way ahead of the curve. Also this video is absolutely beautiful and it should be shared.