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Hey everyone! First of all, I want to apologize for the millionth time that I don't keep up with the rewards as best as I should. And by that I mean, I'm pretty abysmal at it. So this year, I want to rework some of the tiers to be a little more doable for me, while still exciting for you!

I've created a poll, but I am more than open to your own suggestions and thoughts that may not be represented in the poll options below. Leave any feedback in the comments about what kinds of rewards you'd like to see (and for how much)!

We'll treat this almost like a reward bracket/competition thing. This will be the initial and broad poll, and we'll get more specific over the next few days. You should be able to vote for as many topics as you want. Just don't vote for them all, as that would kind of defeat the purpose of the poll.

Thanks everyone!