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DK's got a new video today all about the original Doctor Strange who was a whacky Silver Age Iron Man villain! We've got a TON of extra trivia that we didn't touch on, so here's access to the rest of the script just for you Patrons! 



Marvel's Original DOCTOR STRANGE is a Silly Villain You've Never Heard Of! || NerdSync

Before Stephen Strange was Marvel's Doctor Strange, Dr. Strange was Doctor Strange. Is that confusing? A Silver Age Iron Man villain held the title of Dr. Strange before our favorite Sorcerer Supreme, and he is one whacky character. Today, we're going over the one issue origin and history of Marvel's original Dr. Strange, along with some rapid-fire Doctor Strange trivia!



Very interesting. But why do my iron man mask and gauntlet toys require more batteries than his suit?


Is the Cap Wolf vid every gonna get released? (The commentary)