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New episode of Comicana for your eyes today! It's about the super cool way the new Flash comic shows speed. Honestly, I think it's incredibly clever, and I hope you dig the episode!

I hope you are having a great weekend!


The Genius of How FLASH REBIRTH Draws the Speed Force! || NerdSync

When you have a superhero like the Flash, you need to be able to show just how fast he's going as he taps into the speed force. But how do you show movement in a static medium like comics? The new Flash title from DC Comics' REBIRTH line shows a brilliant way to do just that!



I love every frame a painting


Yeah, it's great! I believe MatPat tried to get Tony on Film Theorists, but he said no. So instead they created Frame by Frame as a rival to it. Don't quote me on that. The only thing I know for sure is that Frame by Frame was directly and explicitly inspired by EFAP.


You should collaborate with MatPat


I don't think he has any interest. And, quite frankly, I don't either. We've talked before. He's definitely aware of NerdSync. While it seems like it would be a good fit on paper, I think we both realized that we just have different approaches and don't feel the need to collab.


I finished Luke Cage tonight, are you ever gonna review it?