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In case you missed it, our Patreon is changing from the pledge-per-month model to the pledge-per-video model. Here's what that means for you!

First of all, we will not be charging you for EVERY video we publish. Only new episodes of Comic Misconceptions that come out each week. This will provide us with more accountability and transparency. You will be able to see exactly where your money is going. 

We've also changed around our reward tiers to offer new rewards like video commentaries, your name in the description of our videos, and even real life NerdSync No-Prizes delivered directly to your door! Please take a look at the changes and adjust your pledge accordingly.  Remember, going forward these pledges will be per episode of Comic Misconceptions instead of per month.


You can set a monthly cap so you don't pay more than you are comfortable with. If you want to support us at $5 per episode of Comic Misconceptions, but can't afford more than $15 per month, no need to panic. Even if we release five episodes of CM which would equate to $25 total, you can set your personal cap at $15 so we never charge you more than that. Ever. 

I want to say that again because I think it's worth repeating. You still fully control how much you get charged each month. We could release 100 episodes of Comic Misconceptions in one month, but if you set your monthly cap at $10, you will never be charged more than $10. And you will still get the rewards in your tier!


We are officially making the switch this Wednesday, the 28th. "But wait," you might be thinking, "that's when a new episode of Comic Misconceptions comes out. Will I be charged for that this week?" Absolutely not. We  will NOT charge you for the new CM this week. That would feel unfair to switch over and immediately charge you guys before you had the time to react to the change. We will start charging next week on October 5th. This should give you about a week to change your pledges around and set your monthly cap!

This also means that our new rewards will take effect on October 5th as well. For example, if you are in the $3 tier where one of the rewards is having your name in the description of CM videos, that'll start with the new episode of CM on October 5th. 


Thank you so much for your patience as we switch over to the new model. Thank you for being a NerdSync Patron. As always, if you are worried that your pledge will put you in a bad spot financially, please don't support us. Take care of yourself first and foremost. Our videos will still be available for free on YouTube. 

If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to bring them up in the comments below! I want to make this as transparent and painless for you all. Thanks again!

- Scott




What are the new tiers for certain amounts of donations?


You can view them on our profile page. They are already updated with the new rewards! They'll be the same once we make the change over to per-video on Wednesday.


Thanks, I just need that no prize (just 5 more bucks)


Can you put up a new discord link?


Does it not automatically work? Patreon and Discord should be linked so that you can get in whenever. Honestly not super sure how, but here's the link anyway: <a href="https://discord.gg/B9Ksk" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://discord.gg/B9Ksk</a>