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Hey gang! Just wanted to say thanks for supporting me here for another month on Patreon. I know I haven’t posted in about a month, so here’s what’s going on.

Firstly, for those of you who missed it, my camera died on me. That was a big bummer that put a stop on my video production. But thankfully, so many of you came together to help me buy a replacement! Took a bit to come in and get it all setup, but I have recorded my new video with that camera. Thank you so much to everyone who helped!

I’m still in the process of editing the video. It should be out sometime next week. I’m traveling right now, so can’t do much to edit right now, but I am trying to work on my next videos which should be about Moon Knight. I want to make a silly video about comic book memes (which Moon Knight is a huge part of) before I also release a video about Moon Knight and mental health, which will serve as a rebuttal to my initial video about Moon Knight and mental health I made years ago.

So, I have lots of things in the works! Including some other projects that I’m working on but don’t want to say anything about until it’s finalized because I don’t want to jinx it haha!

I also know that I haven’t been keeping up with Patreon perks and rewards this year. To be honest, I think it’s because Patreon makes me anxious. It’s like the YouTube studio page. It’s full of numbers and analytics which make you feel good when the numbers are going up, but makes you feel bad when the numbers are going down. So I’ve kind of been avoiding looking at Patreon, which only makes the numbers go down further, obviously.

I’m going to get better at getting back at doing thank you videos and merch stuff, etc. Thank you all for being patient with me.



Here, patiently impatient. Always love your content, just happy to help in some little way.


My perspective on Patreon is simply a way for me to pay for your content. I’m not expecting anything in return and honestly the last thing we want is to burden you and prevent you from making your amazing content! Give yourself permission to do what you can and let the rest go ❄️