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Hey guys! So some changes are being made to the Comic Book Club as we migrate it from Google Hangouts to the Discord server. Because of the nature of Discord, we had to adapt the way we do things because reasons. We're also setting a concrete schedule for the Club to get a little bit of stress off our backs and as a measure to not miss anything.


Essentially, their is a new voice channel in the Discord server (called "Comic Book Club") that only $5+ patrons can access. The catch is that there's no easy way to just send out a link or password that allows access to that specific channel; the way we have to do it is through Discord's role system, which we have to manually assign.

So, to make sure that you are assigned this role all you have to do is: open Discord, connect to the NerdSync server, and see if the Comic Book Club voice channel is locked for you. If it's not and you can connect just fine, then you're done, you can join the CBC's every month with ease. If it is locked, then you should message either Scott or I (Dylan) so that we can promote you to the necessary role that allows you entry into the CBC channel.

I hope that makes sense.


The comic book club will now be held on the last Sunday of the month at 3 PM Central time, unless otherwise stated ahead of time. This allows for everyone to plan accordingly and kinda removes the last minute thrown togetherness of the Club.

Lastly, here's a new invite link to the server if you haven't joined yet: https://discord.gg/6HbpVAR


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