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Hey, gang! Just wanted to fill you in on the Scoobtober special offer and my new video coming soon!

Since there's only 3 days left this month, I don't think I'll be able to get my new video out before October is over. And since I really wanted to use it to promote the special offer one more time, the timing of it all just wouldn't work out.

So, I'm extending the special offer another week! Instead of ending on October 30th, it will now end on November 6th. Scoobtober will transition into Scoobvember, apparently.

What does this mean for the commentary tracks?

To be honest, we haven't recorded all of them yet. We've recorded all 8 tv show episodes and the 2 animated movies, but we haven't done the live action movies yet. We were saving those for last, and then our schedules just got busy. So, at the very least, we will be releasing every commentary track we've recorded so far TOMORROW!

5 1/2 hours of Scooby-Doo audio commentary tracks for ya! Then once we record the final two live-action movies, we'll update the RSS feed with those as soon as we can for the final total of 8 1/2 hours. (I originally said 9 hours because we were going to watch another movie instead of watching episodes of 13 Ghosts, but we thought covering 13 Ghosts would be funnier haha)

I hope you can understand the scheduling change. Part of working for myself again means that I want to try and prioritize my mental health, normalize taking breaks, and not working through weekends to meet a deadline. As much as I would LOVE to have everything done by tonight, realistically that isn't possible, and I need to cut myself some slack instead of stressing over deadlines.

Some important things to note

I know that some of you just wanted to support this month to get the commentary tracks, and then you would close your subscription at the start of November. I totally get that. Since we won't be able to deliver every audio commentary track by the end of the month, you might feel cheated out of the full special offer. The way that the Patreon RSS feed works means that if you want to hear every commentary track, you do have to continue your support until the next month.

HOWEVER, if this is a financial issue for you, just message me at the start of next month and I will refund your payment for the month of November. That should allow you to listen to the RSS feed for the rest of the month at your own leisure. Then, once you're done listening to all the audio tracks as soon as they're out, you can cancel your subscription if you still wish to so you won't be charged for December.

I hope that makes sense. Basically, you will need to be charged for November, but if you message me I will issue a refund to you and you should still be able to listen to all the tracks for the rest of November. You've already paid for the special offer, and you should be able to get ALL of it even if I'm a little late posting everything.

Please let me know if you have any questions either through the comments here, through private DMs, or through Discord! Thank you for the support this month! I hope I can continue to make it worth it to all of you to keep supporting me through this transition 💜



You're doing great Scott, I'm so happy to hear that you're taking more breaks and keeping with you mental health. If you ever need anything we're here for you as a community. I look forward to the commentary track.😁💜


Scooby dooby oops