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Hey gang! I wanted to take the opportunity to keep up updated on all the things happening at NerdSync!

First and foremost, I will be at Portland Wizard World in a few weeks! So if you see a person who looks like me, know that it is me, and you should come say hi! I'll be there with the BossLevel8 guys, who you may remember from one of our past podcasts.

The whole trip is sponsored by Comics Amino, which is exciting because it means that I didn't have to pay for anything! So don't worry about me abusing your generous Patreon pledges on random trips to different comic cons. Your support goes straight into helping out the channel and podcasts. 

Speaking of podcasts, not too long ago we launched Flashback Flicks, and the response has been overwhelmingly positive! However, the one thing people have been requesting over and over is the ability to listen to the show outside of iTunes.

I want to let you know that we are currently working on a few options to figure out the best way to handle that. Do we put it on its own Soundcloud page? Do we upload it to the NerdSync Podcast Soundcloud page? Do we even use Soundcloud at all? These are questions that we're working through as we speak!

Also, we have a lot of new members of the NerdSync team! We've got DK and Dylan the editors, and we've got Neysha who handles the NerdSync Facebook and Instagram pages for me. I'm even considering bringing on a few additional people to help with comment management.

Don't panic! I will still be answering comments on the newest videos. We just constantly get so many comments on older videos that I have to ignore because I don't have the time to get to them. Having a few additional eyes reading your comments can only be a benefit. They'll make sure to forward me any comments that require my attention, which is way better than me ignoring them altogether!

Those are just a few things happening at NerdSync. We've got some great stuff coming up for you this year! As always, I'd love to know your thoughts or concerns regarding anything we discussed above. 

Thanks for being awesome!






Sweet! There been times where I'd catch up to the latest episode well after midnight and figured you'd be too busy to read a comment the next day, So I wouldn't leave one. Extra eyes are definitely a great idea.


I'd personally like the flashback flicks podcast on the nerdsync soundcloud page, so it's all in one place.


I have a few concerns with this, but we're still discussing it.