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Hey, you wonderful Patrons! Just wanted to give you all a small update about a few things, and why I've been gone these last few weeks/months. 

So, there will be a big announcement soon, but I'll tease more information to you Patrons here first. BIG things are happening behind the scenes for NerdSync.

I now have a genuine office building instead of working out of my apartment. I moved to a completely new state to be around other YouTubers I respect who will encourage me to be more productive. I even have a small team of people to help with a lot of the stuff I'm bad at, and to push me to make more and better videos! And not to get too boring, but I have much more stability without panicking from month to month about bills and such.

Obviously, a huge part of that last one is thanks to you wonderful Patrons! 

So, here are a few things that you may be wondering:


  • Yeah, so this move has taken up the last few months of my life, and I still have a few more days until all my stuff arrives, but I'm working on a video about the way Steve Ditko drew hands, because it's delightfully weird and I'm very excited about it! Everything was filmed in advance, so it'll still be on the old set at my old apartment. I still need to plan out ideas for the set in this new place!


  • I'm so sorry this is taking so long! Like I mentioned, I now have help with tasks like these that I'm terrible at, and I've already talked to a friend of mine who will help send out the postcards as soon as they get to me (I shipped them up to my new place along with the rest of my stuff, and it's taking a while for everything to get to me). But rest assured knowing that those will be taken care of this month. Sorry for the massive delay


  • This is the big one that I'll address a lot more in the future once we have announced everything, but the short answer is that the topics I pick will NOT change, but the production value and upload frequency hopefully will increase! Being in a space full of creative people pushing me to create and helping me work already feels a lot more productive than sitting at home alone all day and grinding through weird work hours. I'm looking forward to more videos this year without sacrificing quality!

That's all for now, but if you have any questions, let me know and I'll address them here!



Stability is huge! That's fantastic. Plus the new environment and creative assistance settings like it's really good for both you as a person and your creative process. I absolutely love your work as both a fan of comics and the video medium; it's clear how much thought, passion, and hard work go into each one, so I'm glad to see that you have the support to continue! Keep up the awesome work - I can't wait to see it!

Bart Labeda

Always good to know this move provides you avenues to be around creators that will help push you forward, all the while providing you more stability in the real world with bills and such. Keep on, keeping on, Scott.