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Hey, you wonderful Patrons! We've been discussing this for a week or so now, but I've finally made the change back to a monthly Patreon instead of a per-creation system. This change is for a couple reasons.
  • Switching to monthly relieves a lot of pressure from me as I spend more time working on videos.
  • You always know how much you are going to be charged each month. Some of you said switching to monthly would allow you to increase your pledges, so feel free to do so!
  • Patreon is focussing on new features and support for monthly Patreon creators.

In fact, one of those new features is a thing called "Special Offers" that I'm excited about! It's a way to offer fun, limited time rewards to you all. So, starting on December 1st, I'm going to run a Special Offer for two weeks for personalized holiday postcards for everyone in the $15 tier and up!

These postcards will of course be personal handwritten notes on the back of NerdSync No-Prizes because I have hundreds of them, haha. It's for new Patrons and existing ones alike, so if you already support us at $15 and above you don't need to do anything. You'll automatically get one of these postcards when they ship out!

And again, this is per-month instead of per-video now, which is probably the biggest takeaway here.

Let me know if you have any questions or feedback about the shift to a monthly Patreon or Special Offers! Thanks, gang!



About time. I had to do all kinds of option wrangling to give you what I want to give you under the "per video" option.