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Hey, everyone! I've been slacking on the polls this month. Many of you know that I've been traveling AND sick, which is not a productive combo.

Anyway, as our videos have been getting longer and more elaborate, I've been wondering if you guys miss the shorter videos like Tie-Ins or other short-format vids. Occasionally, I'll have ideas for shorter videos that don't need 20 minutes to explain, but I don't know if something that only takes a few minutes to explain is worth doing. I'll let you decide!

Do you want to see more short, quick videos on NerdSync, or should I just focus on the long ones?



Can I get a medium sized video, with cheese? Oh and extra fries!


Your long videos are really good. I think the last Captain America video was your best video ever. But I also don't want you killing yourself to just get long videos done. A short video now and then would be fun. Part of me wonders if you could have split the Captain America video into multiple videos. I don't know how / if that helps you with Youtube. It was great as one video though.


Thanks! I'm definitely not killing myself over long videos. I like doing them more than short ones. As for splitting videos up, I only like to do that if they are very different topics. I have a few Wonder Woman videos planned about the lasso of truth. One video is gonna be about the real world history behind its creation, another will be the ethics of using such a device to extract information from unwilling victims (i.e. is it torture, and is that okay?) I think those are fine to separate because while they are both about the same object, they are vastly different angles. With the Captain America video, I don't know how I could meaningfully split that up into multiple parts since it was all about the same subject from the same angle.