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Hey, you wonderful nerds! In case you didn't know, I've been working on a book with my friend Chris for a LOOOOOONG time now. It's a book version of our REAL Origins videos, going into the real-world history behind how iconic superheroes and villains were created!

If you follow NerdSync on twitter, you may have seen the exciting news that the first draft of the book has been submitted for review. What does this mean? Idk. There's still loads of work to do on the book. I just sent it in to see if a certain publisher would be interested in helping us turn it into a reality. Baby steps.

There are about 30 chapters right now, but we don't plan on stopping there. There are some glaring omissions like... uh... Superman. We haven't written a chapter about Superman yet... I know! We will, I promise!

But I wanted to send you a link to the chapters as they are right now. These are all first drafts and are subject to change dramatically as time goes on. Most of these chapters have been written by my friend Chris who based them off of my outlines and videos, but they are still waiting on me to go in and add details, change wording, etc. As they stand right now, these are more of a concept of what we want to do.

Basically, this is me desperately begging you not to judge them as the final product, haha.

Anyway, here's the link to the folder! You should be able to view all of them, but let me know if but let me know if you have any issues. Thanks, gang!


Book - Google Drive



I'm a professional editor (and doing my PhD on comics) if you guys ever need a hand with anything.


Wait, for real?! We've been struggling to save up for a professional editor to take a look at our stuff. I'd love some feedback!

Just another Monday

@Scott I'm having trouble logging into the NS Discord server


Can you explain further? Sorry for not responding sooner. Patreon didn't send me a notification about this.

Just another Monday

I pulled out of the server IDK when, & it won't let me back. I'm trying to look for the NS discord link but I'm unable to find it.