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Another weekly poll for you Wonderful Nerds!

Some of you may recall that NerdSync used to have a newsletter called the Sunday Sync-Up where we sent out an email every other week recapping videos and podcasts that fans may have missed. Obviously we don't make nearly as many videos or podcasts these days, so the newsletter kind of fell to the wayside.

But since NerdSync has a wildly inconsistent posting schedule now, maybe it would be beneficial to revive the newsletter as a monthly recap so you don't miss anything? What do you think?

It should be said that I value the integrity of your inbox, and would never spam you with emails. This would be one single email each month that is meant to provide a hopefully helpful service for those of you who want to make sure you don't miss out on updates at NerdSync.

So, what do you think: Would you like to get a monthly NerdSync newsletter?



I feel the same way as Brandon. I don‘t think I would miss a video either way, but I don‘t mind the idea either. If it helps others, I‘m all for it.


I wouldn't mind a newsletter, but I think I'd rather you spend your time working on videos than a newsletter.