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Hi folks,

Phew. I'm sorry it's been SO long on here without an update but things are almost back to normal. A lot has happened so i'll keep it brief:

+ I got back from holiday travel on 1/4, not feeling great.
+ I got a positive covid test result a couple days later.
+ While sick with covid my family's house burned down (everyone is OK, mom was in and out of hospital quickly). Not all that relevant here, just something that's added a great deal of emotional stress on top of everything else.
+ Once I was almost better, my husband got covid (we tried SO hard to isolate and it just wasn't enough). Taking care of him while also trying to complete my own recovery has been taxing.
+ My covid developed into severe ear and sinus infection. My hearing is improving and a doctor's visit today showed no permanent damage, but I am currently at about 60% of my hearing before I got sick, and that's super scary.
+ TL;DR I'm mostly better but my doctor has recommened I "stay home from work" for at least another week.

Since i'm self-employed that last part means that I can't really give a doctor's note to my boss and take some more PTO, but it does mean that I'm going to continue to rest and recuperate a bit longer, although I will probably try to get some artwork done asap.

The difficulty now is that my office is currently being used by my husband as his quarantine space - since I got sick first and quarantined in the bedroom, and our sickness overlapped, I wont have access to my workspace until he's better. I can do SOME work on the cobbled-together desk I'm at currently (in my bedroom, using some end tables as a desk and with my tablet affixed to a nearby shelf... it's not ideal) but it's not comfortable or helpful to my work.

I'm also just.. kinda artblocked. Being out of work for so long makes returning to drawing really scary at the moment, and all the more difficult b/c the only thing hanging over my head to work on at the moment is the patreon piece for this month, and I have really high standards for those.

I'll get it handled soon, so thank you for your patience and understanding as I'm kinda -going through it- at the moment.

Cheers and catch y'all soon with more updates,

- K



Take care of yourself Kihu! Wishing you and your family the best. Please reach out if you need anything at all 💜💜


Oh my gosh I'm so sorry to hear all that happened at once! Take as much time as you need!