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Warning: There are now multiple no-win situations in the game. Keeping multiple saves is highly advised!

As always, feel free to report any bugs you encounter. :3

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-You will no longer get stuck in a time loop after Jasmine sits on you.

-There will no longer be two sets of Beg or Scream in the vore menu.

-The calendar will now correctly change at the turn of the year.

-Vorarephilia gain increased in willing vore scenarios.

-Fixed a minor bug that could cause players to loop when inside of side predators.

-Forgetting to feed Jasmine will now have more immediate consequences.

-Sigrid's dialogue when asking if you want to go jogging with her is now slightly different depending on how often you run together.



Nice changes. But I still miss sleeping with Jasmine. But if it's hard to do the sleeping with Jasmine thing, I understand it's still not.


The a0.x.1 updates focus on bugfixes. I don't want to add anything major to these kind of updates, since that might introduce more bugs. I'll see if I can't add sleeping with Jasmine for version a0.10. ;3


Is it possible to request a new character be made?


I am going to ask again, is there a way to buy things like stocks in larger quantities than one per click?


I'm curious, when might unbirth be introduced and with what character?


It will be introduced in the next version, with Jasmine having a sex scene that can lead to unbirth (the facesitting scene will also have a chance to lead to unbirth). I can't promise that there will be any UB scenes with the other characters, though. I'll have to see how much I can get done by the end of the month.


Sorry, but no. I'm actually pretty restricted with what kind of characters I can make, so I wouldn't be able to fulfill most requests.


Nice! Later down the line will Sigrid have unbirth scenarios?


it is kind of weird to be living with Jasmine and the only way you can drink with her is at the bar. Also I hope I can live with Sigrid soon. Also i don't know what is supposed to happen if you don't feed Jasmine, but I've still skip it with no consequences


A bug that happens now is that Elaine can be asleep and you are having a conversation with her.


It sets off after she eats you and lets you out and sometimes happen when she says she is going to bed.


i still hope that Sigrid, Jasmine and Elaine all do get greedy for money from off you, and will at some point mug you...or take all you money you have on you before eating you. (that is why it is good to keep money in the bank in case one of them mug you) i also think the stockbroker should rob you too, if the amount she has invested in the managed funds goes over 100K .....she could lie and say the market crashed, when it was her who had taken it.....so you have to keep an eye on her and how much money you have in stocks ;)

Shadow Nightclaw

With Sigrid, would there be any options far as increasing odds that she might eat player when requested during the jogging scenario? Maybe increasing players voraphilia I'm thinking? Or is that to be a general tease? ^..^


Any clue on how to trigger the anal vore sequence?

Kayo Michiels

Since a few versions, i can't seem to trigger to fully have sex with elaine, it used to be that you had to have stamina to spare but now... it doesn't do that anymore... how come?


oh, and as the Stockbroker is Jasmines friend....Jasmine could inform you when you ask for information regarding trading, that the Stockbroker keeps Jasmine (for a small fee) informed on how rich a person is becoming from the stock market. and that the Stockbroker has also been known to take all of her clients money for herself when it is at a certain amount. so using the managed funds comes at a high risk of either being robbed by the Stockbroker, or robbed and eaten by Jasmine. :)

Harry the Shark

Is it possible to get full tour with the hippo in this update?

Harry the Shark

Ah, i must have been doing something wrong then- I can’t get the regular “ask to be let out” option to work while begging or kicking does work, which confused me. Any tips on making it happen?


There are essentially two ways to do it. 1)After being eaten by Jasmine, ask to be let out. There's a 1-in-6 chance that she'll agree to let you out if you can survive inside of her for several days. Note that you can only trigger this the first time you ask to be let out (this is reset whenever she vores you). If you manage to survive, Jasmine will give you a choice of how to be let out, one of the options being full tour. 2)If your relationship with Jasmine is 50% green and you ask her "If I let you eat me, do you promise to let me out?", there's a 1-in-20 chance that she'll agree to it. After that, get her to eat you (on the same day, otherwise it will reset). Once inside of her, you can ask her to let you out whenever you want, at which point you get to choose how to be let out.

Harry the Shark

Thank you! That clears it up a lot. Have you considered making a document to link to with information like this on how to achieve certain scenes?