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Since I really want to add Jasmine's apartment to the game this month, and since a lot of you seem to want that too, I decided to forgo the pin-up so that I could focus on making visuals for her. I hope that's okay. ^w^;;

Being a large, gluttonous predator, Jasmine will occasionally come home with a big belly. :3




Now that this has been brought up. I would like to see scenes where in we watch her interacting with her food, interact with her having a belly, and/ or compliment her during this time. Maybe even have her tease us or threaten us depending on affection? Just throwing out ideas.


I remember previously you saying that you'll be able to move in with other characters within the game,so I'm guessing that mean that that feature is coming pretty soon?


Awesome, keep up the great work

John Johnson

Does that mean she’ll have someone else in there say one of the bankers since she is a high roller with money? Would you be able to join them in there? Would they be able to eat you while in Jasmine’s stomach? Would you be able to interact with them from the inside and outside? Could they swallow you if you were in there with them? Would Jasmine force your head onto her stomach and tease you? Many possibilities can be implemented from this simple sentence “Being a large, gluttonous predator, Jasmine will occasionally come home with a big belly. :3”.

John Johnson

Probably further down the line of development.


I do have one complaint about the Jasmine scenes, this one included. The night scene is much too dark for what it is. Even with the existing Jasmine asleep scene, it's super hard to view on my monitor. Not sure if other people have the same problem. The same is not true for other characters. It seems that the scene itself is darker, and not just the difference of skin tone.


Honestly, I'm not sure how to fix this. The night scenes already look unnaturally bright as it is (to my eyes, anyway). I'm open to suggestions, but I feel that increasing the brightness would just make them look like slightly darker versions of the day scenes. Would it be an acceptable solution to add a toggle in the settings that allows you to switch off the night scenes altogether (meaning that the daylight versions are used instead).