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Lots of polishing of movement on custom shapes, specifically when it comes to proper sliding and ledge grabbing. Also taught myself to draw trees and drew them. Then, worked on more issues and bugfixes.

Showing background terrain generation for the first time, though with rather vibrant color scheme which is possible to with Level Editor. World generation does take long time - I had not decided whether it should be baked into map itself or be calculated on player's PC. It would take a lot of space and network traffic though - maybe actually impossible at this point since servers do send world to connected players and I'd like to keep possibility of randomly regenerated levels, which is possible with current approach. Most likely background generation could be an option too, same as shadowmap.


- Normalized voice volume relative to sounds of limb breaking and gun shots, especially in case like plasmagun firing towards ground of characters;

- Humming for swords that changes its' volume and pitch with speed of swords (arms);

- Second sword sounds preset (showcased it in previous post);

- Sound effect for new pistol-kind of weapon charge;

- Sound effect for new shotgun-kind of weapon charge;

- Reworked sound effects of new entity (R) as previous ones started to sound too repetitive and rather annoying;

- Fixed improper automatic trimming for loop sounds;

- Sounds for sniper rifle (blips and click whenever it is ready to fire again).


- Fixed bug in particle and wall hit caching algorithm that would cause particles to frequently pass through walls (they still do for short period of time on low settings but blood particles don't spawn decals through walls);

- Fixed bug with improper rocket trail glow;

- Fixed bug causing impossibility to crouch in slow-motion areas (friction forces were not affected by time-warp areas);

- Fixed bug causing heads of characters move way too close in some vehicles (Hound Walker-CS and others that affect depth position of characters) whenever they blink or change facial expression;

- Fixed bug causing character head positions to be updated with decreased rate;

- Fixed issue causing possibility of indefinite jump upwards on surface that is meant to make character slide down;

- Made it so grass does not spawn on terrain model underground;

- Made it so grass sound is not played whenever character touches cliff surface;

- Implemented ledge grabbing logic for custom shapes;

- Fixed bug causing occasional possibility to jump in the middle of sliding surface due to convex segmentation of concave walls;

- Made it so small sliding edges are not considered sliding just so characters won't stuck on them while walking, since they don't trigger step-up logic either;

- Fixed bug causing certain materials that change their purpose to lack shadowmap which caused them to have blue glow;

- Made sword humming as local sound effect that has quickly decreasing its' volume with range;

- Made it so switching to swords activates disabled swords by default so they won't make as much noise. Though maybe it will change later;

- Fixed bug causing inconsistency in sword strength as well as number of attacks whenever player tries to spam slice;

- Fixed bug causing dust to spawn at position of raised leg whenever player walks while kicking;

- Added logic for characters to put leg down during kicking whenever character starts looking in opposite direction;

- More fixes for step-up logic on custom wall shapes;

- Allowed ledge grabbing during sliding;

- Fixed bug causing lack of stand reaction on a wall with custom shape that forms stairs using single wall object;

- Fixed bug causing wrong edge picked for sliding which caused characters to stuck on some custom wall shape corners;

- Improved culling of offscreen world objects that previously caused some of objects to not appear on screen in time;

- Fixed issue causing non-glowing particles to be spawned whenever lava is shot

- Fixed issue causing non-glowing particles to be spawned whenever 3D debris fall into lava;

- Fixed bug causing double-jump boost to not have trails most of the time;

- Drawn and added natural foliage to background, so far only 9 regular trees;

- Reworked previous implementation for foliage so it now works with 3 layers instead of 2 - back leaves, branches, front leaves. Back leaves and front leaves react to wind and explosions if tree is close to playable area enough. 1st and 3rd layers have some displacement now too;

- Reworked removal of completely transparent tree polygons, trees that are too far have just 2 triangles per layer;

- Fixed bug causing black matte on foliage;

- Fixed bug causing "color addition" Level Editor property to make color appear at transparent parts of foliage;

- Fixed bug causing fog to draw color at transparent parts of foliage.

Skin Editor

- Fixed bug causing sword hum effect to stop working whenever skin is updated.

Level Editor

- Fixed bug causing ammo HUD to stay visible after level designer presses Q key (hides Level Editor interface);

- Fixed crash during blueprint mode enabling;

- Fixed bug causing color picker to not open in some cases;

- Added safety measures to prevent map designers from making ground material become completely transparent for hard to understand technical reasons;

- Added safety measure for situation where terrain becomes random despite seed being specified - Level Editor now automatically fixes object ordering that seems to cause it.

Star Defenders

- Added bot facility that lets use old version of JavaScript to program bot AI (PB2.5/3 does have something similar for level designers but much more polished and works much better). Features is rather unfinished still though, but if you'll dig into source code you might figure out how to do something with it;

- Private storages can be used on long-range teleports on items player wants to keep even if his base gets be raided;

- More bug fixes;




This is awesome. Makes you feel as if you’re inside this world. My suggestion to feel more immersed is birds, bunnies, deer, animals in the background or if it’s possible to add rain, lightning. Small details that could really create more of that experience. Perhaps maybe even waterfalls in the background?


That looks good Eric. I think having backgrounds generated like that would fit pretty well and make the backgrounds for levels a lot better overall. It probably would be good to have all of these settings in the Level Editor and allow them to be customized to certain extents. Maybe allow people to customize and make their 3d background for the level? Maybe even add some custom preset creations by yourself that look nice of each texture that would need it etc. Might be extra work but could be a useful option if generation for certain levels just doesn't look nice. Being able to customize the background could be useful for adding details on the level. Like attacking a base and seeing distant reinforced fences and other outposts or being able to see the final objective of the level in the background as you progress. Definitely Keep messing around with it. I think it will fit right in. While watching some other questions came to mind. Most of the sounds currently don't sound as good. Such as the player colliding with the floor and footsteps sounds. The best way to describe it is they sound low quality and it feels like the sounds themselves don't fit. Unless you are currently using placeholders i highly suggest improving the sounds to not only sound natural but high quality and fit with what is going on in the scene. One thing I also would like to talk about will sprinting into a slide be a feature. Like boost yourself using your jetpack or go into a slide in one of the directions depending on speed and keybindings pressed? Think it would fit right in if it's not already planned or in the game. That's all I got for this time. Like always keep up the good work the game is coming together quite nicely!


I must say, this is epic.


With more details, it can be made like an award-winning independent game on those award ceremonies.


I'll consider some of these. Might want to rush game a bit more towards minimum required for campaign, but all of these could be added overtime too.


> That looks good Eric. I think having backgrounds generated like that would fit pretty well and make the backgrounds for levels a lot better overall. > It probably would be good to have all of these settings in the Level Editor and allow them to be customized to certain extents. Maybe allow people to customize and make their 3d background for the level? Idea was to minimize data sent, especially in cases where server itself would generate maps. Though I think even some of campaign levels will require just certain raw 3D model being injected into world without terrain generation algorithms. > Maybe even add some custom preset creations by yourself that look nice of each texture that would need it etc. Might be extra work but could be a useful option if generation for certain levels just doesn't look nice. There are many tweaks but I guess they can easily just be unfit for certain needs. > Being able to customize the background could be useful for adding details on the level. Like attacking a base and seeing distant reinforced fences and other outposts or being able to see the final objective of the level in the background as you progress. Most likely it will be used even in campaign. > Definitely Keep messing around with it. I think it will fit right in. > While watching some other questions came to mind. > Most of the sounds currently don't sound as good. Such as the player colliding with the floor and footsteps sounds. > The best way to describe it is they sound low quality and it feels like the sounds themselves don't fit. > Unless you are currently using placeholders i highly suggest improving the sounds to not only sound natural but high quality and fit with what is going on in the scene. Those are ones I've made without using copyrighted sources. I do try but I guess I'm not really good with sound effects still. Or sounds in my headphones don't sound the same way they do in other headphones (something I noticed when trying different headphones). I think I could also ask someone to re-do certain sound effects on fiverr, or even if someone was suggested for this job. > One thing I also would like to talk about will sprinting into a slide be a feature. > Like boost yourself using your jetpack or go into a slide in one of the directions depending on speed and keybindings pressed? > Think it would fit right in if it's not already planned or in the game. It is at 0:18, just doesn't have any sound. Happens if player holds crouch during sprint. I can't tell if it makes character more efficient in combat but still does look cool. Also this was in one of previous video in form of link: https://www.gevanni.com/projects/pb3/Sliding.mp4 > That's all I got for this time. Like always keep up the good work the game is coming together quite nicely! Thank you ~


the terrain looks really cool! maybe if a map maker gets the right lighting to set the mood on a map, we could get maps that have the same kind of background terrain as ori and the will of wisps


Looks stunning. Impressive to see how far backgrounds have come from their first iteration.


I'm seeing a lot of creative freedom with these new devices. Pretty exciting.


That is just beyond beautiful. Great work as always. I hope this gets released soon.


I do kind of have some doubts whether it will look as rich as if it was drawn by a painter on multiple layers. Technically, I could implement some kind of "Draw a multi-layer image, mark places where image should behave like grass/tree/rope, and it will add it into the world, you'll just have to create collision shapes for made world" later. Though that would not be real 3D, more like 2.5D environment. At least I had this idea before but I feel like I just would not find artists to work with this kind of system, and it will be a lot of work for that many levels game is expected to have.


Do you think it starts to look complete? I currently think game needs campaign in order for it to have a good launch in terms of popularity. Campaign is not ready - I'm currently working on elements that are critical for its' creation. I think brand new multiplayer games are just ignored by anyone nowadays. Surely we will have remaining audience from PB2 but we kind of need new players too. I mean I don't want game to have 200 online players if not less on its' launch. Let's intrigue them with long nice and fun introduction first.


that looks really awesome :DD


Those sceneries are like a bliss to my eyes. Edit: Did anyone hear some low frequencies of a usurper dying in the background?


Yes, it is a same map from earlier. You could check few previous development update videos and that Usurpation Soldier will be there ^


is the database of SD on gevanni or another server?


Excellent work Eric, also quick question. Which platform would you release PB3? I hope everything goes well to you Eric, stay strong!


Public co-connected servers use database on gevanni:3000 server. Private servers create and use their local database unless else was been specified for them in config file.


At very least I'm going to make PB3 be available for Windows 10+, OS X and Linux operating systems. Possibly it will run on some mobile/tablet Android devices too, though I haven't implemented input for these yet. Game mostly works with Xbox controller, but UI elements can't be navigated with it yet. Thank you! ~


What if? What if it was possible, to wall jump downward by holding s, so instead of going slightly upward, you would go slowly downward to negate fall damage between walls.


Hmm. It would be cool but I can't think of gamepad way of doing it. Alternatively there could just be maps that won't require it. Perhaps elevators are more appealing towards gameplay than using wall-jumping in multiplayer too.