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Publishing this video with delay due to outages Ukraine has these times and due to being a bit sick by the time I usually upload these (I'm fine now).

In November I've mostly worked on re-implementing bullet reflections with swords and new liquid kinds as you can see them on a video:

- Regular water;

- Corrosive damage liquid (damages both health and limbs);

- Lava (damages health and limbs + sets on fire);

- Freezing water (freezes and damages health slightly, no limb damage);

- Toxic liquid (just damages health, no limb damage);

- Zero gravity without underwater sound muffle;

- Zero gravity with underwater sound muffle.

Footage was recorded with 0.5x speed but sped up in video editor later. Reflective surfaces together with screen recording weren't resulting in a good framerate unfortunately. Game does extra render for each reflective liquid kind (as they might have different reflection plane if surface of any of them is disturbed), in this case for water, corrosive and toxic liquids.



- Micro-optimizations that could improve performance by few percent;

- Better head turning in unstable state;

- Made incinerating grenades less fragile just to make it possible to put them on a ground (assuming player holds grab key at the moment of throw);

- Fixed bug causing damage reporting numbers being not shown as a result of damage from fire;

- Crash fix for laser beam grenades;

- Fixed issue with incredible durability of some underbarrel grenades;

- Made it possible to grab dropped grenades just like thrown ones whenever player holds the grab key (should allow more tricky throws when player wants to share grenade with some teammate perhaps?);

- Re-implemented bullet reflection via swords;

- Made 3 new short sword styles (one of them is in a video);

- Made sword that is stuck in a wall to not disappear when player switches to another weapon (only few sword kinds can stuck in walls);

- Fixed bugs related to inconsistency of sword clashing (when 2 players attack each other with swords at the same time);

- Sound of swords hitting walls has different pitch depending on damage amount now;

- Implemented oxygen requirement to stay underwater (configured on per-character basis);

- Disabled death animations whenever character is frozen;

- Implemented corrosive damage liquid (damages both health and limbs);

- Implemented lava (damages health and limbs + sets on fire);

- Implemented freezing water (freezes and damages health slightly, no limb damage);

- Implemented toxic liquid (just damages health, no limb damage);

- Implemented zero gravity without underwater sound muffle;

- Implemented zero gravity with underwater sound muffle;

- Re-implemented old liquid container area detection for rigid bodies to allow liquid class changes if they collide;

- Disabled fire effect particles and dynamic light generation while burning rigid body is in liquid like lava;

- Implemented time limit onto physical calculations step duration in order to prevent cases of too many precision critical object simulations freezing the server or game instance;

- New fire color overrides previous fire color if object was burning;

- Made it easier to grab players that are standing on the ground (they used to kind of stuck to it);

- Merged damage numbers of burning and lava damage;

- Implemented better sorting for transparent objects and flat glasses (so far only for vertical and horizontal ones);

- Implemented time warp effects support for liquid effects;

- Fixed inconsistency bugs related to freezing effect in slow-motion;

- Fixed issue causing player to not have any gadget kind selected whenever he picks up gadget of a new kind and previous gadget kind count was 0;

- Made lava and freezing liquid to not inherit blood color;

- Made it possible for gadgets to receive damage from liquids;

- Made it possible for gadgets to be set on fire from lava;

- Made and assigned lava texture for lava;

- Implemented relief on top of lava and freezing water;

- Made viscosity affect how liquid reacts to explosions, rigid bodies' movement in it and liquid's relax forces;

- Made glowing liquids affect level lightmap;

- Fixed crash related to removal of held rigid body;

- Made lava damage silent whenever it breaks limbs (same exists for fire);

- Re-assigned lava texture coordinates from world coordinates to UV coordinates of vertices just so it reacts to waves;

- Occasional splashes on lava surface;

- Another fix for reflections in liquids;

- Support for partial liquid reflections.


- Fixed bug causing incredible velocities whenever remote player's sword is stuck to a wall;

- Fixed bug causing some weapons to not play sounds speculatively before delayed firing starts;

- Fixed bug causing ledges to be not speculatively grabbed by a local version of a player;

- Added sync for current oxygen amount;

- Fixed bug causing "Select references object" to not update parameters panel and not save selection action to be saved in undo/redo history.


- Fixed bug related to selected item appearing not selected in drop-down lists;

- Gadget change plays sound of newly selected gadget now (usually a throw sound);

- Implemented key repeating for certain actions (gadget scroll, weapon scroll, grenade throw, grenade drop);

- Re-assigned chat history appearance to other key "i" as it had same key used to show leaderboard before;

- Fixed color picker precision issue causing some colors being impossible to specify;

- Fixed color picker crash on attempt to pick color in Level Editor (simply disabled option to pick colors from world in Level Editor for now);

- Fixed issue making it possible for gadget change sound to be played whenever player has no grenades or only gadgets of same kind.

Level Editor

- Fixed some crashes related to loading purposely corrupted file structures;

- Fixed bug causing opacity setting to not work on water;

- Characters received settings related to projectile reflection, breathing underwater and breathing in toxic clouds.


- Sound of sword hitting wall;

- Sound of sword reflecting bullet;

- Sound of a sword hitting another sword;

- Custom sound of drowning usurpation forces (unsure if will keep, usually it would not happen often in a game though);

- Changed sound of viruses growing in liquids;

- Sound of grappling hook length change;

- Made lava loop sound (did not assign yet).



What hardware did you record this demo on?


NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950M. Screen captured using Streamlabs Desktop (ex. Streamlabs OBS).


Ah, I can see why that might have had some trouble especially with the recording software at the same time.


Hey Eric. Glad to hear you are feeling better! Overall looks pretty good. Glad to see we are getting more versions of liquid in the game. I'm guessing the drowning sounds and Drowning ragdoll is WIP? Would be nice to see more of a desperate grasp for air in the ragdoll upon drowning alongside drowning noises within the suit. Would also be pretty cool to see the suit itself suffer visual damage from being hit by lava or acid. Like parts melting off the suit when falling into acid and maybe parts of the suit going black after the fire are put out when falling into lava. Might even be more realistic for the player to die quickly when falling into lava but that's more of a gameplay feature for players and you can adjust within their levels. I would also like to potentially see maybe some form of an outline on the player character or anybody caught in lava to help with navigating it should the player fall in. You also mentioned freezing liquids. Might be a good idea to add some form of ice effect to show the player/AI getting slowed or frozen within gameplay. Sword reflecting sounds okay for now but you might wanna consider trying to find or make a sound that sounds a lot more satisfying in a way. The reason I'm saying this is because while reflecting bullets is not difficult in PB it would be a lot more satisfying when you pull it off during gameplay and a nice reflect sound plays off. Just something for you to consider while we are on the topic. Overall keep up the good work!


> Hey Eric. Glad to hear you are feeling better! Thank you ^^ > Overall looks pretty good. Glad to see we are getting more versions of liquid in the game. > I'm guessing the drowning sounds and Drowning ragdoll is WIP? I just added frog sound effect to Usurpation Soldier voice preset whenever it dies underwater (drowns in this case). It probably would be annoying to play as Usurpation Soldiers in Multiplayer if that would happen to players. > Would be nice to see more of a desperate grasp for air in the ragdoll upon drowning alongside drowning noises within the suit. Noted ^ > Would also be pretty cool to see the suit itself suffer visual damage from being hit by lava or acid. > Like parts melting off the suit when falling into acid and maybe parts of the suit going black after the fire are put out when falling into lava. Currently skins go towards 50% brightness after being burn while alive, and down to 12.5% when dead and can never be revived again. Not yet sure what kind of effect could suit all characters universally when they are taking acid damage. Most probably robots won't take green (toxic) damage anymore, only corrosive damage. > Might even be more realistic for the player to die quickly when falling into lava but that's more of a gameplay feature for players and you can adjust within their levels. Yes, it is adjustable. But even default speed is quite lethal. > I would also like to potentially see maybe some form of an outline on the player character or anybody caught in lava to help with navigating it should the player fall in. Assuming it is lethal maybe it might end up being optional. Maybe some else liquids could end up being too dark, but they will have regular player overhead which is disabled here. > You also mentioned freezing liquids. Might be a good idea to add some form of ice effect to show the player/AI getting slowed or frozen within gameplay. Could make sense if it will be used in custom maps with slower freezing speed. > Sword reflecting sounds okay for now but you might wanna consider trying to find or make a sound that sounds a lot more satisfying in a way. > The reason I'm saying this is because while reflecting bullets is not difficult in PB it would be a lot more satisfying when you pull it off during gameplay and a nice reflect sound plays off. Maybe I'm working too much with sound effects to the point where I don't feel like anything wrong. I wonder if you know any reference for a better sound. Current one is based off new sword sound effects. > Just something for you to consider while we are on the topic. > Overall keep up the good work! Thanks! ~


Hard to say what exactly would work with PB in terms of sound effects but maybe some more dark humming sound when you have them equipped. Maybe a meatier with also more bass when cutting an opponent. As for reflecting it's hard to say. Tried to find some examples but none of them sounded close or right to what I was thinking. Once again the current sound is not bad but could be better. Feel free to experiment and ask us here on Patreon!


Will characters eventually not make a sound for every damage tick they take? Also the deflection sound is pretty neat. Stay safe


Looks and sounds really nice! Good work and keep it up. I agree on the sword reflecting sound being too high pitched. Doesnt really feel satisfying or fitting. I dont know how much effort you want to put into it but I think the sounds should be modified a bit based on sword and weapon/projectile. I also think the fire effect on the character is a bit too bright, you almost only see red to near white flames over the whole body. The lava sparks could be a bit less frequent. I really love the drowning sound, its quite funny haha. Maybe a tad too much. I wouldnt want a too dramatic sound as it could get quite disturbing or annoying quite fast. Do you only use a laptopt for development? I have my old 1080 Ti here if you want it. Looking forward to future updates!


i love the sounds and these updates! :) game looks really cool


Sword humming - I'll be considering it now. Somehow I did not think about it before ~ Swords sound less energetic now but I guess multiple variations could be nice too. I noted about variations, might make poll when I get to work on more versions.


Currently hurt sound has cooldown of 200 ms (0.2 second). I tried with longer cooldowns but for me it felt not very clear whether player takes damage or not, especially when it is attacked with inconsistent damage sources like beam, fire, toxic clouds. Or when player receives multiple consequent impact damages - feels like only first damage was registered for some reason. Or when hit with punches/swords as they can have quite high attack rate. Thank you ~


I think I will experiment with reflection sound via polls. Will try darkening fire effect. Will try decreasing lava sparks rate. It might be not so nice to have such sound played even randomly in some Custom Map cutscene if sound preset happens to be used by someone's lore-important character. It feels like it will be best to either remove this sound or have it in a separate preset. Just this laptop for development. I do have access to gaming PC but I also understand that 90% of PB2 players have even weaker devices than I use there - then it is too easy to get carried away and develop something that would run poorly without understanding when everything gone wrong. In fact it happened with PB2.5/3 when it was still made as a Flash game before I ported it - it was running really bad on my old PC while I was developing it on iMac I had.


will there be element similar to the purple liquid/gas from SD also be present in PB3 in some form? glad you are doing well


Liking that old-school alien pistol sound. I was expecting an fttp pistol sound. But this works.


I tried to keep it similar but still make it different and match its' damage more closely - could be better to have unique sounds for all weapons.