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As his uniform was one of the more difficult to wear, Izuku was among the last to arrive at the rendezvous point outside of Field Beta. There, Classes 1-A and 1-B largely formed groups with members of the same Class while the teachers, Aizawa and a tall, remarkably muscular man with spiky grey hair and orc-like fangs/tusks growing from his lower jaw, conversed off to the side.


Name: [Sekijiro Kan]

Title: Party Invitation Required

Quirk: Blood Control

Bond Level: 58

Current Level: 37

Effective Level: 77


Strength: 83

Agility: 35

Vitality: 493

Intelligence: 65

Dexterity: 50

Luck: 48

Free Attributes: 190


Party Invitation Required


("What a creepy Quirk...") thought Izuku, even though he also considered it fairly OP. If not for the restriction that the user could only manipulate the blood from their body, Sekijiro Kan, better known by his Hero Name, Vlad King, could have been a monster. With the right Perks, he very well might be...

Shelving such thoughts, Izuku made his way over to where most of his Class was congregated, prompting Kirishima to raise his hand and say, "Yo, Midoriya, you finally made it."

Since he usually interacted more with the boys during Heroics-related classes, none of Izuku's harem mates tried calling out to him, allowing him to join the conversation between Kirishima and several other boys. Unfortunately, the interaction didn't last long before Vlad King bellowed, "Okay, everyone gather 'round!" in a loud, booming voice.

With Classes 1-A and 1-B briefly merging, albeit with a very clear divide between them, Vlad King began detailing the rules and restrictions of the Practical Exam. They had effectively recycled the rules from the Entrance Exam, meaning you could earn Hero and Rescue Points by defeating 1, 2, 3, and '10-Point' Villain robots. The key difference, other than the fact 0-Pointers were now worth 10 Points, was that you could attack and try to detain other students in a jail/holding area. Intentionally inflicting grievous injuries on your opponent was a no-no, but roughing them up a bit was A-Okay.

Once students were detained, they could be rescued/broken out by their other team members. This meant students had to guard those within the prison, or all their efforts to capture their opponents would be for naught. Furthermore, while defeating Villain bots was a good way to earn points, the test would only end once every member of a team had been captured or a specific objective had been achieved. Each team had been entrusted with a briefcase containing the deactivation codes for the Villain bots and was forced to defend it in a fixed location. If the opposing team managed to get their hands on your team's briefcase, obtaining and inputting the shutdown code, they would receive 1000 Points in a single go, basically making it a Snitch from Harry Potter...




Wearing an uncharacteristically serious expression on her face, Momo held her chin, analyzing the map their team had been provided as she said, "Since we don't know the location of the enemy team's base, we'll need to form a scouting/reconnaissance squad. We'll also need people to protect our briefcase and to guard the prison while another group focuses on defeating Villain bots...how vexing..."

As Momo's Sub-Commander, Izuku remarked, "I'm pretty sure we have the advantage when it comes to scouting and mobility, but capturing the enemy briefcase will be difficult if they have that vine girl and the guy that can liquefy his surroundings, protect it. I think the former might be their warden, but the latter is almost guaranteed to be charged with protecting the briefcase."

"Then, who do you suggest sending to capture it?" asked Mom, causing nearly everyone to shift their gazes to Izuku.

Looking toward Shinso, Izuku explained, "If we can get Shinso-kun close enough, he could disable the defense team or, at the very least, interfere with their communications. He should be in charge of the reconnaissance squad alongside Toru-san, Ida-kun, Ojiro-kun, and Tokoyami-kun."

Raising his hand, Ida remarked, "While I am certain I would be of great assistance to the reconnaissance team, would it not be better to have me focus on eliminating Villain bots and capturing enemies? With my speed, I can move around the city much faster than others."

"That's why I want you with the reconnaissance team," said Izuku. "Your primary responsibilities are to serve as a distraction and to spearhead the main assault on the enemy base. With the enemy's attention focused on you, Tokoyami-kun, and Ojiro-kun, Toru-san and Shinso-kun should have a much easier time entering the enemy base and capturing the briefcase."

Pushing up his glasses, as he was currently bereft of his white, knight-like helmet, Ida replied with a curt, "I see..." before meeting Izuku's gaze and adding," Then all I have left to suggest is that we address each other by our Hero Names during the test. Addressing each other by our true names in costume is a habit that must be broken. As such, please address me as Hyperspeed Hero: Mach Tempo!"

Smiling wryly, Izuku replied, "Sure, though I think I'll call you Tempo for short. For the remainder of this operation, you can address me as Sub-Commander or Paragon."

As he couldn't come up with a more clever Hero Name without it causing him mental and physical damage, Izuku settled on something fairly simple but relevant, dubbing himself Limit-Breaker Hero, Paragon. The latter was what he represented to this world, and with his power to boost a person's attributes and vest them Perks, it wasn't an exaggeration to say he helped them to break through their natural limits...




As he was too suited to fighting and capturing people, Izuku was placed in charge of the main assault/capture squad alongside Sero, Tsuyu, and Shoji, Hero Names: Cellophane, Froppy, and Tentacool. Their job was to basically run rampant near the city center, drawing as much attention to themselves and defeating as many Villain bots as possible while stopping the enemy from doing the same. As such, Izuku didn't even try to conceal himself, standing on the edge of a building's roof with a confident grin and Blackwhip forming a flickering cape behind him as he awaited the starting signal.

("I hope this looks as badass as it feels...") thought Izuku, believing his cape gave him a 'Spawn-like' ambiance. If he used it well, the functions wouldn't be all that different, leaving most of his enemies feeling helpless as the power and durability of each tendril matched his own, meaning he could block attacks, tear through buildings, and entangle his opponents with tremendous ease. And that was 'before' his boost...


Name: [Izuku Midoriya]

Title: Telania's Champion(Luck +500)

Quirk: Digitalization, Transfer, Stockpiling, Singularity, Gearshift(sealed), Fa Jin(sealed), Danger Sense(sealed), Blackwhip, Smokescreen(sealed), Float(sealed)

Current Level: 44 (45,201,018 EXP)

Effective Level: 89


Strength: 10(100)

Agility: 10(100)

Vitality: 200(4000)

Intelligence: 114

Dexterity: 150(1500)

Luck: 500

Free Attributes: 0

Rerolls Available: 97


[Bronze Skin], [Fleet-Footed], [Lesser Regeneration], [Healthy Body], [Sharp Mind], [Nimble Fingers], [Keen Senses], [Lucky], [Intuition], [Tripping]


("At this point, all I really need is Float, and I'll be unstoppable among my peers...") thought Izuku, using his enhanced senses to scan the cityscape for any sign of his unfortunate opponents.

Standing next to Izuku, using his tentacles to produce more than a dozen eyes and ears, Shoji remarked, "I don't see any traces of the enemy. They may have decided to focus their efforts elsewhere."

"Perhaps..." replied Izuku. "But, as we're all training to become Heroes, it's difficult to imagine them resorting to subterfuge outright. They also don't know the location of our base, so they're probably just hiding somewhere they can observe us. We are being fairly high-profile at the moment."

Turning to look directly at Izuku, Shoji couldn't help silently agreeing with the sentiment. The former gave off the impression of a seasoned Pro, and after seeing what his 'tentacles' could do during the Sports Festival, Shoji had no doubt his power was comparable to one. If he and Izuku were to fight now, he couldn't imagine getting close, much less doing any damage to him...


Name: [Mezo Shoji]

Title: Party Invitation Required

Quirk: Dupli-Arms

Bond Level: 73

Current Level: 24

Effective Level: 54


Strength: 146

Agility: 31

Vitality: 208

Intelligence: 34

Dexterity: 88

Luck: 39

Free Attributes: 120


Party Invitation Required


Interrupting Izuku's and Shoji's 'discussion,' the sound of Aizawa's voice came over the speakers littered throughout the city, declaring, "Your one-hour prep time has expired. Begin the Practical Exam."

Following Aizawa's announcement, hundreds of 1, 2, and 3-Point robots, which had previously been in standby mode, came to life, broadcasting things like 'Kill!', 'Destroy!', and 'Exterminate All Humans!' as they began tearing through buildings and terrain in search of students.

"Finally..." muttered Izuku, the flickering of his cape becoming markedly more prominent as he pressed his finger to the earpiece in his right ear, stating, "I'm going in to try and lure the enemy. Look for opportunities to pick them off as they focus on me."

"Roger/Understood," replied Sero and Tsuyu over the earpiece while Shoji, standing next to Izuku, said, "If it looks like you're in a tight spot, I'll come to your aid," before extending one of his oversized fists.

"See you at the after party," replied Izuku, extending his fist to bump Shoji's before leaping from the 40-story skyscraper without hesitation. He felt a fluttery sensation in his stomach and a sense of vertigo as he fell, but his inordinately high Dexterity, amplified further by the power of One-for-All, allowed him to control his fall using Blackwhip like Batman's cape. Then, as he impacted the ground, performing a flawless Hero's landing, the shadowy, teal-tinged mass veiled and spread out from him, impaling several Villain bots before Izuku promptly flung them at several others.

("Oh, yeah...this is fucking awesome...") thought Izuku, rising to his feet as the tendrils reconvened in the form of a cape. The versatility of Blackwhip was amazing, and the more he increased his Dexterity, the more effective his control. Now, if he were to train against Pixie Bob or Ectoplasm, Izuku was confident he could exhaust them completely within minutes.

As one of the 3-Pointers unleashed a full volley of foam-filled missiles at him, Izuku extended his right hand, producing a tendril for each projectile, piercing them in the blink of an eye and causing them to explode before they could reach him. Immediately after that, tendrils erupted from the holes in the heels of his feet, propelling him upward like a powerful spring just as a gooey, glue-like mass attempted to envelop him.

Turning mid-way through his jump, Izuku spotted a muscular figure with broad shoulders, a slender waist, massive hands, and, most notably, a head that vaguely resembled a glue dispenser. He looked pretty creepy, especially with seven tiny eye holes from which he expelled his glue, but Izuku did his best not to be too disgusted as people with Mutation-based Quirks didn't have a say in their appearance...


Name: [Kojiro Bondo]

Title: Party Invitation Required

Quirk: Cemedine

Bond Level: 44

Current Level: 23

Effective Level: 41


Strength: 72

Agility: 28

Vitality: 195

Intelligence: 41

Dexterity: 39

Luck: 42

Free Attributes: 115


Party Invitation Required


("Oh? A Bond Level of 44? Did I somehow piss him off...?") wondered Izuku, even as he extended his tendrils into a nearby building, pulling himself out of the trajectory of Bondo's gluey projectiles.

Just as Izuku was about to rush forward and capture Bondo, a very arrogant-sounding voice emanated from behind him, asking, "You enjoy showing off, don't you?"

Feeling his Intuition trigger fashionably late, Izuku deadpanned as he spread out Blackwhip from his back, rounding the ends so that they were like fists instead of spears. As a result, the blonde-haired boy trying to touch him was sent reeling, but, thanks to Quirk he had borrowed from his classmate, he managed to arrest his momentum fairly quickly, holding his stomach and smiling in pain as he conceded, "That's some monstrous reaction speed you have there..." while floating in the air...


Name: [Neito Monoma]

Title: Party Invitation Required

Quirk: Copy, Poltergeist(Vestige), Twin Impact(Vestige)

Bond Level: 30

Current Level: 27

Effective Level: 54


Strength: 41

Agility: 44

Vitality: 108

Intelligence: 66

Dexterity: 72

Luck: 210

Free Attributes: 135


Party Invitation Required





(A/N: The Spawn referenced by the MC is an anti-hero/vigilante from the DC comics universe. He's pretty badass, as far as comic book characters go.)


Christian Jeffress

Yeah, spawn is absolutely and 100% badass. Thanks for another enjoyable chapter


(?_?) Blackwhip: Dark Kyubi ?