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Waking to an unfamiliar bamboo ceiling, Izuku remained completely motionless for a while as he inspected the condition of his status and body.


Name: [Izuku Midoriya]

Quirk: Digitalization, Transfer, Stockpiling, Singularity, Gearshift(sealed), Fa Jin(sealed), Danger Sense(sealed), Blackwhip, Smokescreen(sealed), Float(sealed)

Current Level: 27 (849,008 EXP)

Effective Level: 39


Strength: 10->6

Agility: 10->4

Vitality: 100->41

Intelligence: 100->88

Dexterity: 100->38

Luck: 75

Free Attributes: 0

Rerolls Available: 2


[Lesser Regeneration], [Healthy Body], [Sharp Mind], [Eidetic Memory], [Nimble Fingers], [Keen Senses], [Lucky]


("That woman doesn't know the meaning of the word restraint...") thought Izuku, even knowing Mirko 'must' have been holding back to avoid killing him outright. He didn't think he had broken anything, but every muscle in his body ached, and he had a concussion-induced headache for the first time since his transmigration.

Ignoring the pain in his body as best he could, Izuku rose to a seated position to get a better look at his surroundings. The room he was in was pretty barebones, the only notable piece of 'furniture' being the futon he was sleeping on. As for its actual appearance, it looked like a traditional Japanese room, primarily comprised of wood and bamboo, complete with sliding bamboo doors and tatami mat flooring.

("Is this a Shrine or something?") pondered Izuku, not expecting Mirko to live in such a 'simple' dwelling. She might not give off a modern or trendy vibe, but it was difficult to associate the word 'traditional' with a woman who went around beating the shit out of people.

Rising to his feet, Izuku slid open the nearest bamboo door, leading to a dark hallway with a wooden floor with very little lighting. He didn't know how long he had been out, but it was long enough that he felt hungry and seriously needed to take a shit.

Setting out in search of a bathroom, Izuku didn't get very far when Mirko, having heard him stir thanks to her incredible hearing, emerged from the opposite end of the hallway, remarking, "You recover pretty quickly. After that last blow to the head, I expected you to be out the entire day. I was even thinking of taking you to the hospital."

Resisting the urge to say that is precisely what she 'should' have done, Izuku weakly shook his head and asserted, "I just need to rest for a few hours, and I should be fine. Right now, though, I seriously need to use the bathroom. Mind telling me where it is?"

"Ah, I was wondering why you were skulking about all quiet-like," remarked Mirko. Then, thumbing over her shoulder, she added, "It's this way. I'll show you where it's at and then give you a quick tour. After that, I imagine you're pretty hungry, right? Food's in the kitchen."

Without waiting for Izuku to respond, Mirko turned around and began walking away. This time, however, Izuku's gaze lowered a bit, his eyes drinking in the sight of the bunny girl's beautifully toned ass in her Hero costume.


Name: [Rumi Usagiyama]

Quirk: Rabbit

Bond Level: 31

Current Level: 83

Effective Level: 219


Strength: 388

Agility: 442

Vitality: 647

Intelligence: 39

Dexterity: 460

Luck: 219

Free Attributes: 415


Party Invitation Required



As the only status he had checked since Toru's was his own, Izuku was surprised to find he could see the Bond between him and Mirko. He didn't know if 31 was good or not, but it would be useful if he intended to make a pass at the unreasonably powerful woman. The real question was, with the Perks tab mentioning a Party, did that mean he could invite Mirko right then and there?

Seemingly responding to his thoughts, a notification message displaying 'Target's Bond Level is not high enough for Party Invite' appeared before Izuku's eyes. Fortunately, even though it was super bright from his point of view, it cast no light on his face or surroundings...




After taking a rather tense dumb, lamenting that Mirko could probably hear each of his bowel movements, Izuku was given a quick tour of her traditional, Shinden-zukuri-style house. There were few features, as Mirko didn't seem to care about such things, but it had a central courtyard filled with carrot patches, an onsen-like bath, and a fairly modern training gym.

When Izuku eyed the carrot patches with raised brows, Mirko made it a point to note, "They're not for me, brat. I keep a few rabbits in my room and sometimes let them out when I have a day off."

Raising his brows even further, Izuku asked, "You keep pet rabbits...?"

Furrowing her own, Mirko's voice was especially husky as she asked, "You got a problem with that?"

"Why would I?" asked Izuku, adding, "Rabbits are my favorite animal. They're small, relatively low maintenance, and extremely cute. If I were allowed to keep one, I would." 

"Hoooo~?" hummed Mirko. "Are you trying to flatter me, brat? If they're really your favorite animal, you should at least know the scientific name for them, right?"

Snorting through his nose, Izuku defiantly remarked, "Too easy. Their scientific name is Oryctolagus Cuniculus. However, even if rabbits are their favorite animals, most people wouldn't know that. I just happen to be well-educated."

"Yeah, yeah," said Mirko, waving her hand dismissively before adding, "Work hard these next couple of days, and I might let you see and pet them. For now, let's get some grub."

Guiding Izuku to the kitchen and attached dining room, Mirko surprised him by presenting a variety of well-prepared, highly-nutritious dishes. There weren't any meat dishes, but there were braised tofu, red beans, brussels sprouts, and sauteed mushrooms, among the many vegetarian dishes.

"You're too easily surprised," remarked Mirko. "I live alone out here, so it's only natural that I can cook. Besides, you can't cultivate strong muscles if you're lacking in nutrition. Size doesn't mean shit over quality."

Punctuating her words with a slap to her thigh, Mirko sat across from Izuku at the low-lying table, requiring them to sit on cushions rather than proper chairs. She had already eaten, but Mirko wanted to ask Izuku a few questions, and, though she would never admit it, she was interested in hearing what he had to say about her cuisine.

Seeing Izuku just staring at her, Mirko furrowed her brows and asked, "What are you waiting for, permission? Start eating. And then answer my questions while you do."

Picking up the provided chopsticks, Izuku began to engorge himself on the prepared dishes. His Vitality recovered much quicker when he had a full stomach, so he was like a ravenous hyena with only marginally better table manners.

Nodding her head in approval, Mirko asserted, "Good. A strong appetite is a sign of good health. Now, onto my first question. And I expect you to be honest with me..."

Swallowing the food in his mouth, Izuku replied, "Go for it..." before Mirko could ask her question.

Narrowing her eyes slightly, Mirko asked, "Why did you choose to intern with me? And don't give me some bullshit about it being because I asked you to. If I hadn't received that email from the Principal, I wouldn't have known you existed. Even someone like me can understand he contacted me on your behalf."

Instead of feigning surprise, Izuku nodded a few times, remarking, "That sounds like something he'd do. As for why...well, the most straightforward way to explain it is that I'm one of the people All Might thinks would make a good successor as the 'Symbol of Peace.' He and the Principal are really close, so I've been receiving a ton of their support in secret."

Raising her brows, Mirko asked, "If it's such a secret, why are you running your mouth?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Izuku casually replied, "You're the top-ranked Pro Heroine and not much older than me. You're part of the generation that should have been the most affected by All Might's rise, so I doubt you'd do anything to undermine him. Besides, you told me to be honest. If I tried lying, my instincts tell me I would suffer quite a bit."

Adopting a somewhat lazy posture with her cheek resting on the knuckles of her right hand, Mirko muttered, "Well, you're not wrong...both about me being a fan of All Might and me being prepared to beat the shit out of you if you tried lying..."

Narrowing her eyes, Mirko added, "Anyways, you being one of All Might's proteges doesn't answer my question. Why did you come here...?"

"I think that's pretty obvious," replied Izuku, scooping up a few mouthfuls of rice before admitting, "It's because you're super hot, and I believe our natures complement one another. We both like to kick shit, and as far as I can tell, we don't really care if we live to see tomorrow. So long as 'today' is awesome."

Not expecting such a 'straightforward' answer, Mirko burst out laughing hard enough that she needed to cradle her stomach. More importantly, at least from Izuku's perspective, her Bond Level increased to 54 in a single go. He didn't know if that was considered high, but it was markedly higher than 31.

("Having an eroge-style system might not be so bad...") thought Izuku, ignoring Mirko's raucous laughter to shovel some more of her delicious food into his mouth.

Gradually regaining her reason, Mirko exhaled a much softer chuckle as she remarked, "I haven't laughed like that in a while. You're a real cheeky brat; you know that? Pining after a woman, what, eleven years older than you? Have you ever even held a girl's hand before?"

"I've done a lot more than that," revealed Izuku, meeting Mirko's gaze as he asserted, "I ain't no cherry boy."

Blinking in surprise, Mirko asked, "Seriously? Though, given how you act, I'm not too surprised. Girls are pretty weak to assertive and strong boys, and even I fell prey to similar types in Middle and High School..."

Seeing Izuku's brows furrow, a teasing smile developed across Mirko's face as she asked, "What? Disappointed that I'm not a virgin? Man, you must be down bad. Well, too bad for you, but I accumulated quite a bit of experience in Middle and High School. Though, to be fair, a lot of that can be attributed to my Quirk. Since I possess all the qualities of a 'rabbit,' I'm sexually charged by nature. Fortunately, I'm also an Agonophiliac, so I get off more from fighting than fucking these days."

Raising her hands and shrugging in a gesture of mock helplessness, Mirko added, "Either way, I have no interest in fucking some brat. I'm not saying your chances are zero, but you'd need to 'trigger' me, and the only way to do that is by defeating or, at the very least, impressing me. And let me tell you, after your performance on the beach, that's an uphill battle."

Stretching her arms over her head, Mirko issued what Izuku believed to be an intentionally sonorous moan. Then, with slightly narrowed eyes and a teasing smile, she remarked, "Well, I suppose there 'is' another way you can get me riled up. Ever given a massage before?"

"Quite a few times..." replied Izuku, his expression, and tone a little flatter than usual. "In fact, I'm pretty good at it..."

Raising her brows, Mirko asked, "Is that so?" before adding, "Then, lucky for you, my body is usually tense after returning from a patrol. If you can help me relax, I may reward you with a reach-around. For a little boy like you, that should be plenty."

With Mirko making a 'size gesture' with her index finger and thumb, Izuku's expression hardened as he raised both hands, spreading them about 20cm apart as he said, "I am 'not' a little boy..."

Blinking in genuine surprise, Mirko's expression was momentarily blank before a somewhat predatory smile developed across her face. If Izuku wasn't lying, his chances of success had shot up quite a bit. If she knew Izuku could help increase her strength, she might have pounced on him then and there...


Name: [Rumi Usagiyama]

Quirk: Rabbit

Bond Level: 31->65

Current Level: 83

Effective Level: 219


Strength: 388

Agility: 442

Vitality: 647

Intelligence: 39

Dexterity: 460

Luck: 219

Free Attributes: 415


Party Invitation Required





(A/N: She wasn't fooling around when she said she had a sexually charged nature...)



Agonophilia covers a broad range of sexual arousal, from fighting paraphernalia (boxing gloves, protective cups, headgear, mouthpieces, satin trunks) and through the actual engagement in fighting (legitimate or fantasy). For those who actually fight the arousal is multi-dimensional. The combination of fighting gear, the physical contact with the opponent, inflicting and sustaining injury, and the actual fight is indescribable. Depending of the quality of the match, the sexual energy between the competitors, and the presence of spectators, some matches go to legitimate knockout, and sexual intercourse may follow with dominance and submissive roles determined by the outcome of the fight.