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Here we find yet another woman completely absorbed by the BodyMod app, not realizing that it's actually changing her body. Even more curious is that these women always seem to go for more muscle than Arnold in his prime.

Well, unfortunately, (or perhaps fortunately) the dress ended up doubling render times. This gal on her own was a pretty long render, so after the first frame was done I had to ditch the dress. Though, I am curious, better one, or better two?

This piece also features a new morph. This time it's a morph to pump up the inner lower thigh muscle. It's a spot that I haven't had a good morph to do that, so now I'm happy I do.




Definitely one of your cutest ones so far!


Very well done indeed. A little constructive criticism, though: Its seems the morphs for the boobs could use a bit more fine-tuning. You've made good progress in emphasizing that breasts are actually sitting on top of the pecs instead of both morphing indistinguishably into each other, so kudos for that, but something is still off. It becomes especially apparent when seen from the side in picture number 4. Were it not for the areolas sticking out, one could assume she would be pressing her breasts against a glass wall. They simply appear flattened as if pushed both up and inwards by some force, in areas where one would expect a much more rounded shape with a reasonable slope indicating that gravity is actually at play here. My first thought when looking at it from from this angle was "that's not how physics works". As such, this is definitely feeding into the uncanny valley effect that steals a lot of believeability from the scene. That being said, it is clearly visible that you're constantly improving as an artist and it's going in the right direction, so I'm very confident that you will eventually get it right.