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Adaptation seems pretty solid so far. Glad you guys are also enjoying it

Randy Cooper

Ngl, Out of all the anime this week it's this episodes reaction I've been waiting for the most.

Kazuma Sato

ah yes, my community.

Neo Don

Good ep


They skipped some fight and reward scenes that happened before the blackmailing. I’m not mad, just a bit disappointed.


Is this the rock Lee isekai 20:06 😂🤣


wait, where was his reward?


may all your fetishes come true

Randy Cooper

24:42 "Shorties using their peaches for evil." The look Lee gives Director! 😂

selina kyle

I'm still waiting for tenka

Crowne Pri

I feel about this show, how y'all feel bout the magigirl show


Yes mommy, I mean master. Anything for you. I am your slave and I will be happy to satisfy your needs dommy mommy.


I already love this show. Its supplying all of my dommy mommy fantasies and more. I already had a giant girl fetish but if I didn't this would turn me to that instantly. I am a man but I don't mind me an aggressive dominant girl as long as it stays mostly vanilla. She pulls out the strap on I am not gonna let that happen. That is where the line is drawn lmao


Both of you doing the “surrender cobra” at 16:29 lmao


I love this show its probably #2 this season after my instant death ability is overpowered just ordered all the released manga today hope it gets a 2nd season


Oh no im stabbing the blackmailing bitch in her sleep.