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worst of evil ep 8 uncut v2

Watch "worst of evil ep 8 uncut v2" on Streamable.


Bran Bran

The hidden gem about this show is its title. Whilst we are aware of the evils that come alomg with mobs, gangs, drugs, and crime, I'm convinced that what Junmo and Eunjeong are doing to Gicheul is the absolute "Worst type of Evil." To take this man's heart and friendship and use it to destroy him is a betrayal you cannot come back from. @ Adokable.. you saw that fist she made during that kiss right? We all felt that kiss and there was no pulling away. Plus watching her tears flow while she kissed him was not tears of sadness; rather, tears of longing for him. I mean just compare how she kissed Gicheul to how Junmo kissed the other woman. This poor man was struggling trying to picture her as his wife just to get through that kissing scene. Yet, the more he saw his wife, the more he began to see what we all see, his wife has feelings for Gicheul and has been lying to him. Before kissing him, Eunjeong literally told Gicheul that he is her first love, she believes in him, trust him, will always be by his side, and that she loves him. Saying all this was not necessary but I believe in her heart she said it because she meant every word knowing she wanted all of of it but could not have it. with him. This has to be the absolute "Worst type of Evil" you can do to someone. Its clear she is enjoying her time with him and using it as an acceptable measure to cheat. After her first meeting with Gicheul, Eunjeong volunteered to continue knowing they had an intimate unfinished past with him. She keeps trying to comvionce herself that she is helping her husband, but in reality, she is enjoying exploring the unfinished with Gicheul and use the "undercover" status to justify it. Junmo.

Emanuel (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-12 13:54:20 My Gawd! That scene with BiBi was wild - my man displaying the highest form of patriotism right there
2024-01-12 13:54:20 My Gawd! That scene with BiBi was wild - my man displaying the highest form of patriotism right there
2024-01-12 13:54:20 My Gawd! That scene with BiBi was wild - my man displaying the highest form of patriotism right there
2024-01-12 13:54:20 My Gawd! That scene with BiBi was wild - my man displaying the highest form of patriotism right there
2024-01-11 19:57:28 My Gawd! That scene with BiBi was wild - my man displaying the highest form of patriotism right there

My Gawd! That scene with BiBi was wild - my man displaying the highest form of patriotism right there


This is 100% the most stressful show ive ever watched, no let up at all through the entire show is crazy